Taboo Character in Ethnis | World Anvil


Taboo was a figure worshipped in Nege Culture. She was described as a massive quadruped beast with branches for antlers and moss for fur. It is believed she was a Luea given the historical description of her double irises. What beast she was isn't clear, for she's claimed to have attributes of many, leading some to guess that she's throped with many beasts.   At the time of her existence the scientific community did not put much stead in the taled of Taboo, primarily because she violated the Square-Cube Law, but now they think she was one of the first Leviathans.   The Four Guardians began at the dawn of the Calling, when the first Thropes made a pact to defend Nege and Taboo for eternity. They dedicated their immortal souls to the goal, and protect the forest to this day.   The original four embedded drathe into their bodies, to contain the souls of their beasts and to capture their own in death. The Calling protects these stones and, when Nege is in grave danger, recovers them from their hiding spots. Four new warriors step forth, and willingly sacrifice themselves to be a catalyst to let the beast free. Their strength is added to it, and it forces them to become dire beasts.   "Should there ever come a time when Nege will be put in peril Taboo will call upon the Natural Order to sacrifice four of their strongest willing members to the cause of housing the souls of the beasts.   Because Taboo herself created the beasts and because they have been gaining power through the ages, the mind of one person is doomed to lose, meaning that the moment the soul is allowed into the body it will overpower it and demand complete control. Once in control the beast will force the body to thrope into their natural form at the fastest rate their bodies can manage, generally over the course of a third of a season. At that point their allegiance is only to Taboo and they will do everything within their power to protect the forest."
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