SoS B1 C5 X2: A Small Favor Prose in Ethnis | World Anvil

SoS B1 C5 X2: A Small Favor

Allarah sought out Synna and took her to the end car of the Trundler. She was stone once more, but unlike earlier that week, there was no chill or anger, but a seemingly desperate urgency. "Synna, it's only been a few days so I don't really expect a definitive answer, but do you trust me?" Synna nodded without hesitation.   "As much as one can trust anyone these days, and perhaps a bit more than I ought to. Why?"   "Then before I ask anything else, can I show you something?" Synna giggled. Mir blushed.   "Last time someone asked me that it lead to quite the night. What'sit?” Allarah pulled off her coat, dropping it to the floor, revealing the entirety of her burn. The discoloration could be seen under the white tank top she wore. For all her height, she could have been a child standing there, exposed. She extended her marred had toward Synna, the same urgency in her eye. The both of them recoiled, perhaps as much out of surprise as anything. Synna was the faster to recover. She grabbed Allarah's hand and held her arm out to look over the burns.   "How by the Wheel did this happen?”   "Do you mind if I show you... It's a rather sensitive issue, and the one I wished to discuss. It's something that really can't be said aloud." She tried to smile, but the look fell flat. Synna hesitated, then held out her hand. Allarah could see the girl mentally preparing herself.   "Let's see it." Allarah took a deep breath and began playing through various memories involving the young male Feao she had shown Synna a short time ago.  
She shared the day they met, Fear, the work they did Calm, the first time they linked Warmth, the first, “I love you,” spoken. Joy. A blur of sweet memories followed.   Quickly it shifted. The day was clear, as if burned into her mind. An image of a great door opening, her hand brushing against the stone, her leaning to trace a hieroglyph. Her hand stopped before it landed. A scream. Doors slamming in front of them. Alarm. Running. Sazashi tripping, each face referenced to a memory of them laughing before they are trapped behind the falling doors. The ground rushed to meet her. She’s yanked up and shoved through the doorway by a female Sheljt-Ra. “I’m sorry for everything.” Horror, Regret. Ko’Vassa.   Shift. The outside is within reach, screeching turns her head. A small group of Sazashi caught in a net, a Feao male caught in a mechanism. Farevel. Despair. She runs to the Sazashi. Desperation. Her arm bursts into flame as she purposefully overdraws to free them. Agony She is jerked off her feet and run outside. The door shuts on a sad smile. Hollow. Blood pools around her knees. There is a blur of anger from another Feao, Gorban, as she's jerked up by her collar. Muted curses, a raised hand. An angry Sheljt knocking the man unconscious. K’skir. He kneeled down to look in her eyes, a paternal look in his own.   “Kyra, it’s alright.”
Allarah jerked her hand away, cradling it to her chest before her knees gave way. She curled herself over the arm, sweat beading on her brow. After a while she let go of her arm and flexed her fingers. Looking into Synna’s eyes, her own sharpened to a point. She obviously meant to cut it off sooner.   “Sorry. I didn’t think it would be that potent. It’s the downside of our blood, Feao that is. I’m a bit below average when it comes to div, but I tried to shield you from the pain of the memory. It was a bit too vivid for me I suppose. Could have sworn my arm was burning up again. It still kinda stings.” Allarah chuckled, but it sounded dry. “You’re the fifth person I’ve ever connected with, so I lack a lot of experience.” She extended her hand once more. An offer. She looked worriedly at Synna. “Are you alright?”   Synna rubbed her arm, as though experiencing the burn herself. She appeared shaken, and it took her a minute to recompose. "It's fine... just intense." She took Allarah's hand again. "Why are you sharing this with me?"   She closed her eyes. <Because I'm going to selfishly request something of you. What I've shown you, I haven't shown anyone.> A sort of calm settled over her, she felt tired. <It's something I can't escape... In fact I've been having the same nightmare nearly every night for the past 25 years. I'm painfully aware how fragile I am when it comes to... when it comes to him. I never expected to run into dream walkers. I can only imagine the damage they could do to me, so I guess I'm afraid.> Uncertainty. <Synna, would you do me a kindness?>   Hesitation. The same emotion replayed at greater volume than the last two times. <What do you need?> Her expression wasn't stone, but with the hesitation so evident in her mind it still told Allarah nothing.   <Nothing much, I suppose. Just... If you notice them rummaging about in my head, or if I seem strange in my sleep and wake you, that you wake me up. It seems a silly request with the build up, but I needed to express the importance of this need.> She scoffed. <Well, that... That and the fact that I am alone. Not to discredit my team, but I'm not their friend. We met in the shuttle bay and had very little interaction.> A wave of unease washed over her. <While I respect Immuena, I don't quite trust her motives, or lack thereof. Simply, I believe I can trust you.>   Relief. <I can do that. Yes. I'd be surprised if they did that but if they do I'll wake you up in an instant. I'm... I don't trust Immuena either.> Unease. <She requested the Somnolent you know... I was surprised to say the least, but I have faith she is on our side. Again, I'm sorry about the pain earlier.> <No, it's fine. And even if she thinks she knows what she's doing has she ever actually dealt with Somnolent?>   <I couldn't tell you. In fact, I couldn't even tell you why we're even here. The Federation. We were told to come here and gain this planet's allegiance, and tossed into shuttle without a second thought. We don't know anything, and I feel as if the Federation sent us blind on purpose. As it was, they were struggling to find people to go on this mission.>   Troubled. <Any idea who organized the mission? Maybe someone has it out for you?> Mir looked down the car. Nobody was paying them any mind for the moment.   <Immuena…> Regret. <I didn't really bother questioning the details until now because I was too busy trying to get off world.> Hesitation. <It was complicated. Though, from what she has said, and to the best of knowledge, she doesn't know anything either. Earlier she was willing Div link to clear up a spat we had. It would only have been a problem if she knew the nature of SoFeao linking. While we can hide everything on the outside, we can't really do that over our connections.> Synna shivered, then crossed her arms against the cold and the moment.   <I think it's time you start questioning.>   <What were you told, if you don't mind my asking?>   The next round of hesitation was so long and so firm that Allarah only perceived a mental wall for a moment. It was like suddenly the sound of a loud room muted. <This used to be a Somnolent-Syndicate planet. They founded it. They built it. Supposedly there was something that the Somnolent left behind. Aside from you... I think everyone's primary mission here is to stop them from getting it.>   Allarah froze. <How could they.... Why wouldn't they tell us?> The wave of turbulent emotions settled into somethimg that could only be described as bitter. <Because no one from the Federation would have come at all.> As the wave began to build again, it settled almost instantly. <Thank you.> She pushed the topic away. Unease <About my name…>   Synna cut her off and nodded. <I understand. Kick around too long and you start to need an alias, yeah. There might be more on this train than you'd realize. I'm not even sure the Federation even knew, by the way. It doesn't sound like they sent a very prepped team, unless you know something I don't>   <I wish I knew anything of use to you.> Sincerity. Allarah let go of Synna's hand and stood.   "We should go back and rest up for the evening." She grabbed her jacket an put it on. "I'm afraid we may freeze if we don't go soon anyway." She extended her hand to help Synna up. "Thank you for offering me some peace of mind.”

Cover image: The Saumain Crow by Ademal via Midjourney


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