Guess what! There's a book now! — (MxM, Thriller, Erotic)



By Hiive

Also known as Lorsynth, Fungii, and Drone
Ankh the Ral-Mi
Ankh the Ral-Mi by Hiive
Tryst by Hiive

By Joel Wennerholm

Grace Gittel Lewis

By LA Draws

Dravec and Psovod on Sig 5 by LA Draws
The Somnolent by LA Draws

By Antti

By Rostyslav Zagornov

We acquired this art by going through Rostyslav's gallery and picking all the sketches, warmups, and practices we felt matched our atmosphere and lore. We then reached out to him to introduce ourself and our world (in extreme brief — this is where your elevator pitches come into play!) and to ask for quote for the right to use this art commercially, as we very much enjoyed the style and noted that none of the concepts were associated with any particular IP.

Rostyslav was happy to work out a deal, and we're happy to have these pieces as part of our canon.

By RedWolfSam

By AmevelloBlue

Sazakraht by Amevello Blue

By Mantus Butkus

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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