Elder of the Skies Rank/Title in Etheriel | World Anvil

Elder of the Skies

The title Elder of the Skies is assigned to the current leader of the Fernwind family and representative and ceremonial head of the Realm of the Skies. It gets conferred to members of the Fernwind family for centuries.


The following requirements need to be met to be eligible for this title:
  1. Be part of the Fernwind family.
  2. Be at least 16 years old.
  3. Be the next in line.


The current elder of the skies usually confers the title within a crowing ceremony. If the current title holder has died beforehand, the title gets conferred by the elder's partner within a similar crowing ceremony.   The latter crowning ceremony often has a more melancholy feel, while the former is usually more joyful.


As universal duties, there are:
  • Represent the inhabitants of the Realm of the Skies.
  • Act as a social and cultural role model.
  • Initiate or carry on a project of the heart for the greater good.


The main tasks are:
  • Attend and lead the quarterly clan gathering.
  • Attend various diplomatic meetings.
  • Train and prepare the next in line for the anticipated tasks and duties.
  • Have an open ear for their subordinates and people.

Accoutrements & Equipment

There isn't necessarily a related or needed uniform with the title, but people usually expect a neat appearance with elegant clothing. In terms of equipment, a crown gets conferred with the title at the crowning ceremony.   The crown is usually only worn on festive occasions or to important official or diplomatic appointments.
Nobility, Hereditary
Ceremonial title with little to no political power but great social and cultural influence.
Form of Address
His/Her Majesty
Alternative Naming
Length of Term
The title is held by one person and can only be given once in a lifetime. It lasts until the current holder dies or passes it off voluntarily to the next in line.
Related Organizations


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Sep 1, 2022 19:30

Your bullets and lists make this very easy to read

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