Curtains Daggerpaw Character in Etheria | World Anvil

Curtains Daggerpaw

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Curtains grew up in Halfmoon with six siblings. He lived in the ruins of Old Halfmoon, acting as a historian to the crown of Halfmoon, until January of 2021.   In January of 2021, the Horde made a visit to the remains of Halfmoon. Curtains joined the Horde, allegedly by force.   Following the end of the Horde Wars in November of 2021, Curtains was on trial for his crimes in the Horde. He was found guilty, and sentenced to the Rehabilitation Program.   On July 2nd, 2022, the Rehabilitation team was assigned to accompany the Rebellion into the First Ones ruin known as Glycona. It was in the fires of this ruin that Curtains passed away.   His funeral was held in Bright Moon on July 10th, 2022. He was laid to rest in Old Halfmoon the same day.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Curtains is credited for the discovery of several First Ones ruins and uncovering spells and information from them.   In December of 2019, Curtains discovered a First Ones ruin in the North, and uncovered the ancient ice spell known as "Ice Investiture."   He is posthumously credited with the discovery of Glycona.
Date of Death
July 2nd
Year of Death
2022 KE