Rehabilitation Program Organization in Etheria | World Anvil

Rehabilitation Program


The Rehabilitation team reports in to Sergeant Aria "Stone" Vale, who reports in to the Rebellion.


The Rehabilitation Program was proposed by Princess Perfuma following the end of the Horde Wars.   In December of 2021, former members of the Etherian Horde were put on trial for their crimes against Etheria. Those found guilty were given the opportunity to join the Rehabilitation program as a form of Restorative Justice.   On July 2nd, the Rehabilitation team was aiding the Rebellion in a mission in Candella. While inside the First Ones guardian Glycona, a Rehabilitation member known as Curtains Daggerpaw was injured by the fire of the ruin. He passed away the same day due to the injuries.

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.

Founding Date
December 1st, 2021
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization