Apsu Character in Etacre | World Anvil


Apsu appears as a regal silver dragon dwarfing the largest great wyrms. His scales sparkle with a pearlescent glow.

Divine Domains

Artifice (Construct, Toil), Good (Archon), Law (Archon, Judgment), Scalykind (Dragon), Travel (Exploration, Trade)

Holy Books & Codes

Draconic Apsu, an epic poem written by a blind Gold Dragon sage .

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Silver dragon above a mirror or pool, metallic colors, a golden dragon's foot

Tenets of Faith

  • Justice and Good above all.
  • Honor and Fealty to the King.
  • Honor and Respect to Righteous Innocence.
  • Honor and Duty to the balance, to mercy , and to the Justicemaker Apsu.
  • Honor and Protection to the Lesser Races.
  • Honor and Correction to the Enemies of Justice and Good.
  • Honor and Forbearance for oneself.


The Winter Solstice and the first day of Summer

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Destruction of his wayward son Dahak, to bring the first vision of true peace to the multiverse

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born from the raw material of the universe, Apsu was once composed of the fresh water of the void. In the time before the planes coalesced only Apsu and his bride and equal Tiamat the salt sea water existed. They could mingle and flow into each other without losing their substance. They existed like this for untold eons. Their mingling and flowing through the Maelstrom gave rise to the inner planes, and with time the outer planes. The planes would float in their waters like islands and icebergs. Immortal beings would arise to represent the new concepts of reality: ethics, morality, the elements


The first divine being born of them was Dahak, the false Wyrm. Though he would appear as a dragon, he is nothing more than destruction incarnate. He bored a hole into the raw material of what would come to be called Hell. The early outsiders known as the Asura would be scattered and tormented by Dahak's passing. From those early days forward, Apsu and Dahak would become embroiled with their constant battles.


During these elder days, Apsu and Tiamat created numerous dragon-like deities. Many of these met their end at Dahak's claws. From the shattered remains of these divine wyrms were created the first good dragons. The new metallic dragons Dahak used as his favored prey for his hunts. Enraged, the fresh water descended upon the Material Plane to confront his son, saying the eternal words:  

I shall then be Apsu, for I am the first.
  Apsu and the metallic dragons defeated Dahak, but as Apsu prepared to land the killing blow, Dahak beseeched his mother, the salt water, for help. The salt water offered to heal the injured metallic dragons in exchange for their aid against Apsu, and some accepted, turning from goodness to evil and becoming the first chromatic dragons. Dahak escaped the ensuing battle between the metallic and chromatic dragons, but Apsu bade his followers to not pursue him. He then asked the salt water why she aided their son, but she only named herself Tiamat, blamed Apsu for the deaths of their children, and expelled him from their primordial realm.


From the confluence of Apsu and Tiamat, in the eons before the battle with Dahak, the first non-draconic deities came to be. From the silt in the Maelstrom arose the serpentine twins Lahmu and Lahamu. From these divine serpents arise the humanoid deities through Anshar and Kishar and their children. Before creation had settled into it's place, Apsu had been awoken from his eons long sleep by the noise of the new "hairy" gods and turned his draconic wrath upon them. His grandson Enki, was chosen as representative to place Apsu into a deep sleep and seal him. It was through this act that Enki took Apsu's dominion over the new gods, though Apsu never expressed any concern over this.


Family Ties

Husband to Tiamat, Father of Dahak, Kingu, and the eldest of the "Anunnaki" deities.




Towards Apsu




Towards Tiamat


Divine Classification
Primordial Deity
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Justicemaker, Waybringer, The Exiled Wyrm, The Maker of All
Tiamat (Wife)
Current Residence
The Opalescent Cathedral, Immortal Ambulatory
Quotes & Catchphrases
I shall then be Apsu, for I am the first


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