Esterwynne Dreams of Maradar Timeline
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Dreams of Maradar

Timeline of events that have happened in the Dreams of Maradar sessions.

  • 2890 BDW

    Birth of Maradar
    Life, Birth

    Additional timelines
  • 2730 BDW

    The Great Iwis War
    Military action

    "Dream Master' Maradar raises an army and begins his take over of the continent.

    Additional timelines
  • 2710 BDW

    Lord Maradar
    Political event

    The "Dream Master" Lord Maradar takes control of the Continent of Irwis.

    Additional timelines
  • 2690 BDW

    World Hit By Meteor
    Disaster / Destruction

    A massive space rock crashes into the planet and destroys much of the population.

    Additional timelines
  • 1378 ADW

    7 Zadkat 20:00
    1378 ADW

    8 Zadkat

    Maradar Awakens
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Six individuals fall asleep at the Portly Dutches Inn located in Helbenik. They all share a dream though they had not met each other before this day.

  • 1378 ADW

    9 Zadkat
    1378 ADW

    10 Zadkat

    Battle In The Streets
    Disaster / Destruction

    Kobolds and Moldsnares attack each other in the streets of Helbenik.

  • 1378 ADW

    10 Zadkat
    1378 ADW

    13 Zadkat

    To The Swamp

    The six dreamers venture into the Boundless Swamp after an old man suggested it.

  • 1378 ADW

    13 Zadkat
    1378 ADW

    15 Zadkat

    Trip to Tides

    The group takes their information of the mural to the large library in Tides for answers.

  • 1378 ADW

    17 Zadkat
    1378 ADW

    12 Rielyr

    Heroes in the Mist

    After leaving Tides the 6 disappeared from the world, swallowed by the mist.

  • 1378 ADW

    13 Rielyr
    1378 ADW

    14 Rielyr

    The Red Horns
    Discovery, Exploration

    The group follows a map found on one of the sleeping citizens into the Red Horns Thieves guild.

  • 1378 ADW

    14 Rielyr

    Ending the Dream
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The group slept at the inn and stepped into the dreams of the town.

  • 1378 ADW

    15 Rielyr

    Ruins of Maradar
    Discovery, Exploration

    Sparing no time to help the town recover, the group ventured into the freshly risen ruins.

  • 1378 ADW

    18 Rielyr

    Destruction of a Phylactery
    Disaster / Destruction

    The phylactery found in a dungeon was destroyed, now there is a lich somewhere without one.

  • 1378 ADW

    19 Rielyr

    Trial of Belbarith
    Civil action

    The half-black dragon was captured and stood trial for the murder of Kavvin Bates. Although everything was stacked against her, just before the judge could render his sentence, the king of Holding arrived to stop the trial and arrest all those involved in the slave trade.

  • 1378 ADW

    20 Rielyr

    Board The Castlemaine

    The King of Holding conscripted the group into the Holding Navy and assigned them to the jewel of the fleet, The Castlemaine. The quest given to them is to find and end the slaver's 5 ships are known by name and 3 names of captains have been heard by the various slaves who have been freed.

  • 1378 ADW

    24 Rielyr

    Stop At Huntmagne Lake

    The Castlemaine dropped anchor off the cost and a group of the crew went to shore. They were looking to see if the slaver pirates were using this lake cove as their base, what they found was undead.

  • 1378 ADW

    26 Rielyr

    Battle With The Bream
    Military action

    The Castlemaine encountered the pirate ship 'The Bream'. After a short encounter, the captain of the Bream disappeared and the crew were subdued.

  • 1378 ADW

    27 Rielyr
    1378 ADW

    28 Rielyr

    Raid The Cove
    Military action

    The Castlemaine found the cove the slavers had been calling home and raided the place.

  • 1378 ADW

    30 Rielyr

    Sinking of 3 Ships
    Military action

    The Castlemaine locates the remaining 3 slaver ships and battle commences.