The Silver Hydra Rovers Organization in Esterwynne | World Anvil
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The Silver Hydra Rovers

Known Information

Though a few years of infiltration, the King of Holding has discovered that one of his cities, Nasroc, has been allowing the slavers to sell their prisoners within the city. The operative he put in that city began purchasing slaves, setting them free and learning any information on about the slave ships and their captains the slaves might know. As none of the slaves had seen more than one captain at a time, there is no way to know which is the leader.

Ship Names and captains

  • The Inverness: A male gold elf named Soren
  • The Northern Rover: A female tiefling, name unknown
  • The Bream: A male human named Damien
  • The Alpheus: A male Mt. Half-orc, name unknown
  • The Torch: a female gnome named Kitty


Marked in red on this map are the locations of where slaves have been captured. Marked in gold are places that are suspected of being the Rover's home.


Illicit, Pirate Crew
Training Level
Veterancy Level

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