Dalecrowns Settlement in Esterwynne | World Anvil
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The capital of Cardon. Dalecrowns has stood the test of time without much change. The massive, enchanted outer walls that surround the city have had demons and devils bashing on them without a dent. The city is home to more than 50,000 beings. Where are they? When the Demon Wars prevented expansion, the city grew up and down. Not a single building is less than 3 stories in the entire city. Plus there are a multitude of tunnels


  1. Human -- 40%
  2. Elf -- 25%
  3. Half-Elf -- 11%
  4. Halfling -- 10%
  5. Dwarf -- 10%
  6. Gnome -- 2%
  7. Half-Orc -- 1%
  8. Other -- 1%
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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