Anpitan Organization in Essairoth | World Anvil
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Anpitan, also known as the Black Wave, is a vast empire between Adral in the north, Jiud'uun in the south and the Free States of Morrton to the west.   Anpitan's population is made up as follows: Rueling Class: Kalahstar mixed with few Drow Working Class: humans, halflings, dwarfs Slaves: Orcs, half-orcs and other goblonides   Anpitan is a matriarchal theocracy ruled by the High Priest Empress out of Ser Vos with an Iron Fist. Males are forbidden to become Priest and are considered less valuable then females.   Anpitan has a history of bloody expansion wars and oppression of those who think differently. One example is the enslavement of the wild orc tribes around Mount Kacar and the conquest of the Vigurian Kingdom only 50 years ago.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Black Wave, The God Empire
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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