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Firestarter Encyclopedia


Though the Firestarter Encyclopedia started out as a survival guide, it evolved and was codified into something far more vital. Dwarves were notorious for cultural and religious faux pas, early in the history of the Dwarvish kingdoms a number of wars were started, trade deals lost, and dignitaries offended by the general lack of (or perceived lack of) civility by Dwarven representatives.   Dwarven nature is a prickly one, and they are not want for change. Much of their culture is rooted in consistency, diligence, and rigid adherence to order. This makes the nuances of negotiations and diplomatic dealings problematic at best and a prelude to conflict at worse.   Aldo Firestarter, after being sent from Pra'Shad for being generally offensive to the sensibilities of Elves, Gnomes, Humans, Tabaxi, and Teiflings (who themselves are notoriously hard to offend) took it upon himself to change how Dwarves would be perceived. No longer would they be considered brutes unworthy of civilized conversation with his work they would ascend to high society, as was their deserved place.  

Excerpt: Preamble to Enlighted Conversation

Verily, I have been struck with the conviction that the Ignis requires more of our people. And if such belief causes others difficulty, then we must rely on it all the more. Yet, despite my faith, my fortitude is tested and I am left to endure this desolate existence that moves me to tears. For we are told by many that this is the way it is meant to be. But I cannot help but question, is this truly all?  


Today, the Firestarter Encyclopedia is widely cited and can be found at most formal engagements involving Dwarves. Though it is a mainstay of traveling Dwarven merchants who frequently rely on its guidance, those traveling to Dwarven territory usually pick up a copy as a means of avoiding offense.

Historical Details


A guide to Dwarven culture.
Text, Legislative
Authoring Date
UE 532


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