The Vampire Wars Military Conflict in Esau | World Anvil
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The Vampire Wars

The Vampire Wars only accure when a rulers of the Vampires, usually known as a King or a Queen, is killed by a living humaniod.
The War is over which faction will chose who will sit on the throne in the Vampire capital in Ru'Mal. It is called Lai'Tol City - where the current Vampire King or Queen resides in Gan'Tol Manor.

These wars tend to be nasty and vicious with much death of innocences.


* Arcanum ... studious
* Toreador ... nobility turned - owners of The Soft Kitty Chalet in Princess Bay are members
* Nosferatu ... once Elves - gothic
* Malkavian ... all arrived in ancient Malnax long ago - explorers, traders and warriors who raided, traded, explored and settled across large parts of Esau.

* Tremere ... a fairly homogeneous group whose dominant physical characteristics are the result of a mixture of the indigenous dark skin of some from the Sunrayin Tribe with those of nomdic desert races - Cleopatra is member.
* BruJah ... behave in rude and aggressive ways. These are often rebels against the old ways of Vampires. They often have more neutral contact with the living then other factions, trying to fit in with lastest trends.
* Gangrel ... are hunters and seek prey to "play" in their cruel "games".

Conflict Type
Battlefield Type


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