Erylia Erylian Epic Timeline

Erylian Epic

This timeline is to keep track of the days in which each episode of the Erylian Epic Campaign has taken place, as well as to keep track of the campaign's current date.

  • 1253

    9 Belenus

    9 Belenus

    The Siege of Riven

    The story of the Erylian Epic starts with the city of Riven, home of The Guild of Adventurers, is set upon by a large group of goblins and kobolds in the middle of the night.

    Additional timelines
  • 1253

    15 Belenus

    24 Belenus

    Dwarven Treasures

    While clearing out the Kobold's Lair, our adventurers came across some items of Dwarven make. Curious if the dwarves have had similar issues with these creatures, they set sail to the north to the Dwarven City of Starrengeld Hall.

    Isylian Plains
    Additional timelines
  • 1624

    23 Belenus

    24 Belenus

    Session 11

    The in world dates of the 11th recording session for the Erylian Epic.

    Starrengeld Hall