Pass of the Vigilant Geographic Location in Erthos | World Anvil

Pass of the Vigilant

In between The Eastern Plains and Dwarfhome is a mountain pass which is patrolled by dwarven warriors, always on the lookout for danger from the Eastern Plains. Anyone attempting to pass through are put under extreme scrutiny and often are turned away.   On a cliff face, there is a military base that the dwarves use to filter visitors to their land. The Tribulations of Truth is a series of tests that must be undertaken by all known dwarves. Any dwarf can skip the first and last trial but they must all pass through the Chamber of Sigils.   There are 3 phases to the Tribulations of Truth.   The first is an interview with the Cleric of Garrish and his Zone of Truth. Refusing to fail the safe is an automatic failure for the dwarves and will cause the party member to not be allowed entry for 3 days time. The questions the Cleric will ask are relatively simple, their answers do not matter much, more the act of surrender.   The second is passing through the Chamber of Sigils. This chamber is designed to identify the type of person the characters are. The Sigils all have various effects that will wash over the characters when they pass through. These effects will ensure the dwarves know who is entering their lands.   The final phase is a Geas Spell on all non-dwarves. "I swear to not do any harm to a dwarf, guest of the dwarves, or commit any acts of treachery. These acts of treachery include but are not limited to stealing, lying to a dwarf, bartering, damaging property."  


Vengeance Battalion
Mountain Pass
Owning Organization