Zela Sheorath Character in Ersterwald | World Anvil
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Zela Sheorath

Zela Sheorath was one of the best carpenters amongst the orcs, and she was proud of it. She planned on building the greatest orc encampments the world had ever seen when she ventured to Ersterwald. But life had other plans for her. Although while being surrounded in a forest, most of its trees are larger than an orc chieftan’s lodge. In theory, it is possible to cut pieces of wood from these oversized trees, but treating them into workable lumber is a completely different story. Zela helped build the settlement of The First Encampment, but due to the overall struggle to find workable lumber, the encampment’s infrastructure remained rather weak. What was worse was the orc guard never let her build the barrier she so desperately dreamed. Zela was in the right though in wanting to build a wooden barricade around the encampment. The lack of one helped make the Estele's attack on the encampment all the more deadly.   After the fall of The First Encampment, Zela led the construction of The Second Encampment. With what little lumber the orcs had, it was a miracle there was even a Second Encampment at all. The encampment’s infrastructure had greatly suffered from the lack of lumber, with most buildings being little more than cobbled together sticks. But they were stable cobbled together sticks!   When the gnomes found The Second Encampment in 1812, they insulted her workmanship, and called the construction encampment a disgrace. Even though they weren’t wrong, this is still an insult she’s not forgiven to this day. It is something she’s been able to get over though, after the gnomes taught her all about their own amazing construction and carpentry techniques. She still prefers the tried and true ways of orc infrastructure, but she can’t argue the strengths of the gnomes’.   In current day, she’s one of Gadael's finest carpenters, and led the construction of Gadael’s wooden barricade. She’s constantly repairing and upgrading her beloved wall, and is finally seeing her dream of the greatest barricade come to fruition. She is seen as the unofficial leader of the lumberjacks, and most of the carpenters of Gadael would say that the lumberyard in Dynol, the human's District, belongs to her. Even the human carpenters who built the place wouldn’t argue that.
Current Location
Year of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Green
200 pounds

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