Ley Fonts Building / Landmark in Wayward Saga | World Anvil

Ley Fonts

Also often called Ley Focuses (Foci), Ley Springs, Convergence Zones or Fonts of Power, Ley Fonts are places in Erlyse where two or more leylines of the grid of Ley energies intersect. These points create a reaction where the two or more types of energies pool and merge into a reservoir of cosmic power with potentially limitless possibilities of resulting effects. Energies of the Ley, while in flux like they are in a Ley Font, are drawn like moths to a flame towards living spirits, theoretically as a means to "empty" one of these reservoirs before they become unstable. Older, more chaotic Fonts respond to their unstable natures by eventually creating life of their own to channel this excess energy into. These beings created by the primal cosmic forces of the Ley are known as Djinn, and these supremely powerful entities are sadly shackled to their home Font, unable to leave the vicinity of the area despite their phenomenal capacity with cosmic forces, much like the binding to a lamp or similar scenario for genies of another setting.
Prior to reaching the point they must create a Djinn to host their excess energy, Ley Fonts may exist in a variety of sizes or even physical form. As per the stories of most empowered people that have discovered a Ley Font and acquired its powers, the most common appearance of these intersection points resemble energy infused geodes that can vary in size from a grapefruit to a massive cavern. The relative size of the "heart" of the Font does not appear to affect the power level of the individual acquiring powers, either. Fonts, however, are not limited to this form of shape, as they can become abstract in nature, or form into objects that would seem to a sentient being as an item meticulously crafted by another sentient life form. Fonts that take the shape of an object this way are a profound mystery to the scholars of Erlyse, creating numerous theories to their origin. Whether the Ley itself is perhaps sentient or guided by divine will, or perhaps the items were crafted by Djinn who poured their essence into it, thus ceasing to exist as an "imprisoned" entity, speculation is the only means to ascertain these object's origin.
Regardless of how large the Ley Font, or what form it takes as it manifests, it will always impart its power unto any sentient mortal that comes into contact with the physical heart of the Font, or sometimes just by being within a certain proximity of it. Once the powers have been transferred, one or more of the leylines that run through the Font will diverge unto a new path, as the wellspring that anchored it in place will have lost the grip to keep it there, allowing the Ley "grid" to fluctuate over time. Scholars also theorize that Ley Fonts that have been absorbed or "extinguished" may potentially reform again at later periods in history when the same leylines intersect once again, able to impart their powers unto a new lucky individual. However, should this occur, the powers granted this new individual will still be different than any imparted to others which may have found a Font sharing the same converging leylines. This is due to how the powers manifest within one's body thanks to how the energy of the Ley reacts to each individual soul. Thus, for example, if two leylines create similar Fonts three separate times, where each time that Font was discovered, someone was enhanced with Ley energies, each of the three empowered people would develop similar, yet unique powers. One might be able to assume a physical form consisted of pure fire, while the second can manifest fire and direct it at will, yet the third could consume or absorb fire and somehow transmute its energy into something else, such as anger or passion in the hearts of other people.
Alternative Names
Ley Focus (Foci), Ley Spring, Convergence Zones, Fonts of Power
Geographic Feature

Cover image: by Darnok9


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Jun 1, 2021 04:52

Oooooooh cool bananana