Tower of the Setting Sun Building / Landmark in Erisdaire | World Anvil

Tower of the Setting Sun

"Have you been there? It's truly a remarkable sight. It's time has long since past, but it still stands silent watch over the western sea. Waiting, catching the final sunbeam from the setting sun. I can only ponder who built it, and why."
— Rhys Campata, Imperial Arcanist

  In Kivese, along the western coastline, there is a solitary tower which has stood for longer as most can recall. At first glance it is hard to tell how it came to be, as it appears to have simply been thrust from the earth itself fully formed. Tales from the locals say it was raised by a wizard in ancient times, before the Emperor's knights chased them from the land. Baron Kodatha, the local lord, has seen fit to build a small garrison nearby to keep an eye on it and intercept those approaching the tower to inquire as to their business.

With its purpose long forgotten, and a watchful eye on it, the tower has become a curiosity with no answers forthcoming.

Purpose / Function

In ancient times, the wizard Salustraas built many towers to aid in his research into the nature of magic on Erisdaire. One of these was 'Ter Setra', built specifically to house a mechanism which would capture the last light of the day in an enchanted prism. What this was used for is known only to Salustraas, as his research notes on the matter are still missing. Other projects inside the tower used more standard equipment, most of which has been plundered over the ages while the mechanism on the rooftop has been cannibalized for parts and valuable metals which could be pried loose.

In modern times, with the purpose of the tower lost and Salustraas being a distant memory to most alive, Kodatha armsmen firmly dissuade people from visiting. The fear of what unknown mystical purpose the tower once had is quite strong in Kivese, especially since trespassers have left considerable messes inside from time to time.


Since the abandonment of the tower, the only alterations have been to remove internal fixtures for use elsewhere. It is evident Salustraas had not put any special locks or wards on the tower - or if so, they have long since lapsed into non-existence. A small entrance building has been attached to the door, a shelter for the guards on duty during strong weather, but little else has been done to the outside of the tower.

However, about three hundred feet south of the tower there is a modest house built to hold a squad of twelve Kodatha armsmen, and an attached stable to care for horses. This was built in the last couple generations, and many of the armsmen here are actually descended from others who had this post in the previous generation. As such, they take great care for the house itself and the area around it as if they owned it themselves.


The tower stands six stories high, each one about ten feet tall, and with a domed roof formed of a single smooth hemisphere. The interior is simple, having a staircase spiraling up the outside edge of the tower and each floor having a doorway opening into the floor from the ascent. The only exception is the top floor, which has the final ascent separated from the main staircase. A few of the rooms inside have obvious purposes (a bedroom, a cooking room with a channel for smoke to be directed out a nearby window, and several workspaces), but a few which have had their fixtures removed puzzle most casual visitors. Learned guests are quick to present theories about potential arcane studies and equipment, but very little can be proven now.

The most striking thing about the tower is how it seems to be smooth granite thrust from the earth in one piece, and then having been carved to resemble a more normal structure over time. Many sages present the theory these are a part of whatever magic may have caused the tower to form in the first place, while a few instead suggest later visitors did these carvings to hide the nature of the tower. For whatever reason, the tower has narrow windows without glass looking in on every level except the ground floor. A handful of rooms are actually lacking a window, which suggest storage spaces.
Alternative Names
Ter Setra
Tower, Mage


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