Ascadian Forest Geographic Location in Erisdaire | World Anvil

Ascadian Forest

Ascadia? If you've that much of a death wish, I could kill you now with a draught of foxglove and be done with it. If you insist, however, I can show you the way to reach it. Just remember to stay on your toes there. Those woods are so much worse than anywhere you've ever been, and if the wolves get you... you'll wish it had been quick.
— Berian Blackroot, Druid of the Autumn Circle
  The Faeweald is known to be a strange world, a reflection of reality where magic runs wild through the very fabric of the world. Even elves do not tend to have permanent dwellings here, for various reasons, but notable researchers have pointed out how the nature of the Faeweald almost fights back against civilization attempts. Even maps seem to be incorrect when used, even though the general regions seem to remain mostly the same. Among those regions are several places which seem to change little, if at all. Notorious among those is Ascadia, a region of thick and wild forest with old-growth trees twisted and tangled in ways which never could exist on Erisdaire's prime reality. Those who are willing to brave its borders do not always return, and those who do are often quite shaken by the savagery present in the Faeweald's darkest forest.


As an extraplanar region, Ascadia is considered to be infinite in boundary and variety. However, the forest itself is bounded by rough cliffs on at least two sides, and a lake on the third. The final boundary has been presumed to be a slope leading into a stretch of wetlands where travel is considerably more difficult due to the conditions of the ground. Despite what sounds like simple boundaries, no travelers have truly managed to discover the exact scope of the region. A series of expeditions have identified a few landmarks of interest, but their relation to each other seems to change often enough to render maps pointless at best, and dangerous at worst.

Fauna & Flora

The fauna living here are larger and far wilder than prime counterparts, and combine this with a cunning and intelligence which makes them a hazard to everyone. What species of fauna normally considered 'prey' in the prime reality of Erisdaire are dangerous due to having the capability to comprehend such things as leading hunters into hazards or traps. Predatory species of fauna are more dangerous due to their increased mental capabilities, but far more dangerous are pack-based hunters such as wolves. The number of these apex predators are held in check by their infighting and the few creatures large enough to directly threaten them. There are at least fifteen distinct pack groups which have been observed over time, all of which having their own territories and potentially different favored tactics. The largest of these is known to be considerably more dangerous as it is rumored they have the ability to conceal their true natures and appear as other humanoid species when it suits them. Furthermore, it seems the territory claimed by the pack changes radically, signified by bloody smears left on trees or paths to warn off other wolf packs. Called the 'Bloodlaw Pack', they are considered one of the premier dangers of traveling the Ascadian woods due to their apparent nomadic nature and rumored ability to remain unknown.

Similarly, the flora has adapted to survive in this environment and not all things which look beautiful can be trusted to be safe. Some plants which produce fruit are known for being poisonous to the point where even a single bite can spell a fatal end, with little chance of recovery without knowledge of the danger. There are numerous plants which are carnivorous, in the sense they can actively provide dead fauna to incorporate into the soil and derive nutrition from. This potential takes many forms, the least hazardous being a means to lure animals close and having active features to trap them there until they expire. The most hazardous known on record is the sykill tree, or 'the tree of malaise', having the supernatural power to instill fatigue and a lack of motivation in intelligent beings. To be caught by a sykill tree means to lose interest in leaving, and after enough time to lose interest even in seeking sustenance.

Among the flora, however, there are also plants which have achieved an awareness called "awakening" by scholars; this flora is sentient, self-aware, and can be intelligent as well. Trees which are "awakened" can resemble treants known on Erisdaire, but more often are still unable to move themselves and instead become able to utilize magic of their own to shape an area around them for their own needs. It should be noted examples of "awakened flora" are not strictly able to be considered good or evil - they tend to focus on their needs above those of others, which means it is possible to bargain with them if communication is possible.

Natural Resources

Despite the dangers, there are many herbs and fruits which can be found here with no analogue in the prime reality, some of which have been steeped in magic so thoroughly as to possess their own unique qualities. For this reason, Ascadia is known to many alchemists as a place where highly-useful materials may be found. Similarly, various goods harvested from animals here are enhanced through powerful latent magic. For instance, there are stories of a dagger which was made from the fang of an Ascadian wolf which could pierce steel as though it were parchment. The potential of such resources has led to a regular series of attempts to retrieve useful materials, though it isn't always a story of success. Of more interesting potential are the leaves of some of the common trees in Ascadia, which release a liquid when bruised which assists natural healing; properly treated, or mixed with appropriate secondary components, they are capable of treating ordinarily dire wounds. The existence of these alone draws many to trespass into Ascadia, in hopes of finding other such plants to find a use for.

Elves are aware of one other particularly useful material here, and that is their specially treated "darkwood". While it resembles ordinary hardwood found in the prime reality, it is notably resistant to damage from edged implements and can be coaxed to bend in extreme arcs without a risk of breaking under the strain. Thus it is often found being used by elves as building material, especially for places meant to be difficult to break into.
Alternative Name(s)
The Wild Wood


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