Order of Dusk Military Formation in Erilar | World Anvil

Order of Dusk

The order of dusk are made from elite members of Knights of the Dawn and are the ruler of Lyrinthia's personal unit of elite warriors. Not to be confused with the Lyrinthian Crownsguard who are a similar, but more general unit for guarding royal properties made up from members of the Lyrinthian army.   The unit is tasked primarily guarding the ruler of the country, but are also at their disposal for any other special tasks that might require the order's special skill sets. Normally these are covert operations that can't be linked back to the army.



The order is made up exclusively of Dusk Knights whose numbers vary depending on the ruler.


The unit was founded a couple of years after the founding of the country of Lyrinthia after there was some unrest towards the new ruler of Willas Lyrinth I where he felt that he needed a private, speciated force to protect him and his interests.   The integrity of the order was put into question after the unfortunate assassination of Vikor Lyrinth

Historical loyalties

The order have served all previous rulers of Lyrinthia  including:
Willas Lyrinth I 
Vikor Lyrinth 
Willas Lyrinth II
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation
Used by