Black Talons Organization in Erilar | World Anvil

Black Talons

A guild of assassins and spies that operate out of Mergewater. One of their bases of operation is the Rook and Raven, operated by their leader Jakkak Coppercloak.   If any of the groups in "The Meet" were to worship Brigedda, it would be these guys, learning and selling information, and killing anyone they don't like (or anyone else, if the pay is right.)   Jakkek is a retired dwarven rogue, ex-adventurer. He has one daughter, Kassilyn, who lives in the dwarven kingdom's capital to the north west in the mountains, even though both Jakkek and Kassilyn are Hill Dwarves. Jak's days of personally killing people are...mostly over, although despite his age, he is still more nimble than most, and can still stab someone with finesse when needed. The only things that really slow him down in his old age is a relative lack of stamina compared to his prime and a bad right knee that acts up when under stress.   Jak runs his operation from "The Rook and Raven" a perfectly legitimate and popular inn in Mergewater, it was here that his daughter first picked up how to play instruments to entertain guests. Although, in the back rooms is where all the dark dealings happen.
Guild, Assassins
Alternative Names
The Crows
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Articles under Black Talons