Spirit Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in Ereza | World Anvil

Spirit Magic

Body and mind magic. The Gift has affinities of Mind Magic, such as telepathy or illusion, and Body Magic, such as healing.   Strangely, it can be more taxing to exert Mind affinities on those with little Spirit. Gifted can train their minds and bodies to guard against Spirit attacks, and it can be important they do so. There is a misconception that women are more in tune with the Spirit Gift, but there is no practical evidence to back it up. This belief may have sprung from the physiological effect Spirit magic has on Gifted women; during the proliferative and secretory phases of the uterine cycle as the womb lining thickens, Spirit energy also builds within them. If pregnancy does not occur, the built up energy will naturally dissipate during menses, but is also possible to instead be harnessed by the user to preform more complex/costly magic than would usually be possible.   Anyone can be born with this Gift, and it is especially prolific. Its presentment is most prominent in Nemel among both the Human (Nemeli) population and the Dragon one; it is the second most common Gift in Pelee.       Plant affinity “Elemental” really belongs here, but in the world it is never categorized this way as people do not want to deal with the deeper implications.
Metaphysical, Arcane

Cover image: by Marek Piwnicki


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