Natsuko, the Wayfarer

She said to me, Kings and Queens exist to take from those in need. How will there ever be freedom when we have Kings and Queens? Joy taken from power over another is nothing but an illusion of pure joy. Break your shackles and be free.
Natsuko the Wayfarer, is a Primal Deity and the goddess of Freedom, Illusion, Travel, and Trickery. She is most known for wanting a world free of useless restriction and openly despises anyone or anything that attempts to subjugate others. This includes Kings who rule over commonfolk, zookeepers who cage beasts and even banks who hold loans against the poor. Natsuko prizes the freedom to travel and move at a moment's notice.   She is incredibly inquisitive and understands the importance of humor in life. A master prankster, Natsuko is rarely serious and enjoys what is in her mind, harmless trickery – although sometimes she takes her fun too far. But beware. When forced to abandon humor, her temper is as fierce as any other deity.   Known as the many-faced thanks to a love of disguising herself and walking amongst the mortal races, Natsuko often crosses paths with Kav'wa, the Bard Prince as the two travel across Erenel, spreading their doctrine and enjoying the company of one another.


Followers of Natsuko are often Rusco, thanks to her help in freeing their people, but all races worship the Trickster. Merchants, nomads, and those who continuously travel all pay homage to Natsuko for a safe journey.

Divine Domains

Odyssey, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Natsuko is most associated with the key. Followers of the Wayfarer will carry an ornate key as a symbol of unlocking the chains that bind them or the locked doors that prevent a path forward.

Tenets of Faith

Freedom to Think

Teach those around you to think for themselves and you've truly improved their life. By being self reliant, we are not bound with a need for others to care for us.

Life Unbound

Never give someone absolute authority to control what is imporant to you or someday they will deny your freedom.

Ride the Wind

Seek out the riches of experience. Journey to distand lands, climb mountain peaks, and traverse in search of opportunity. Let your footsteps fall where few have tread.
Many see worshipping one of us as a means to justify their poorly lived lives. Worship? I demand none. You spend your gifted days whittling away at your better self until your passions fade to dust.   I once found a vagabond dying of exhaustion in the Deadwick Slopes. He wandered from oasis to oasis in a quest for enlightenment, hoping a god would see his suffering and think it loyalty. With his dying breath, this vagabond asked me what was necessary for a good life. Such concern for finding meaningless answers. Live one step at a time, and let us honor your glorious journey when it finally ends.
— Natsuko

Personal History

After Al'Madoon's sacrifice and Vyse Tyranal's banishment into the Below, the Rusco also fell, following "He Who Would Not Bow" in hopes of continuing the luxurious lifestyle they had before the bonding. To their despair, hatred flourished, leading the Fallen Elf to enslave his once joyous followers. Lost in hysteria, Vyse Tyranal shaped his followers in a new image, for he could not bear to look upon anything Al'Madoon created. The Rusco and many other races who chose to fall with Vyse Tyranal fled in hopes of escaping.   Seeing the horrors being wrought, Natsuko and Ianna, Matron of Ravens, went to war, fighting to save those trying to escape demonic transformations. The Rusco, seeing a way to escape, allied with Natusko, eventually escaping into Erenel following the Great Sacrifice's time-lapse.   After freeing the Rusco, Natsuko immediately turned her attention to another group under the shadow of a tyrant. In loyalty to their Empress, the Hanoi give everything to their leader, granting the Empress an almost immortal state. Now Natsuko seeks to break the Bushido code and free the Hanoi, even at the behest of Hanoi, who willingly accept their fate.
Divine Classification
Primal Deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
the Many Faced, the Trickster, the Unbound, the Wayfarer
Parents (Adopting)

Way of the Wayfarer Monastery

Only the most devoted monks may earn the title Way of the Wayfarer. No monastery member is more critical than any other, just as no member of the faith can be ordered into service.   Wayfarer monks abandon attachment, spending their lives traveling from village to village teaching, seeking knowledge, helping resolve conflicts, and freeing those facing oppression. Many take great pride in "tricking" or playing pranks on those in power, letting the common folk see that the king is merely a mortal. To be one with the Wayfarer is to follow the road, wherever it may lead.
by Dean Spencer

Character Portrait image: by Gamingbrew


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