Fordefract Settlement in Ereacia | World Anvil
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A sturdy tower keep stands near the muddy ford in the Blue Appius here. Guards patrol the perimeter as you see engineers work on a sturdy bridge. A small village huddles against the keep like a bunch of squatters.
  Fordefract is a feudal holding in decline. The keep was established to guard a strategic ford in the Delta Trail, and grew wealthy on the tolls exacted from ships passing at the town of Lagi on the south shore of Lake Balonas. However, successive barons of Fordefract have pushed their powers too far, souring their relations with Lagi, which rebelled and finally came under the protection of the Free City of Cappebraccia. To pay off his debts from this conflict, the predecessor of Baron Lodo had to sell his share in the overlordship of the hamlets to the Abbey of Monsallorea.   Lodo of Fordefract greatly resents the loss of his rights east of the Blue Appius and his loss of Lagi in particular. His resentment has led him to ally himself with the Princely Company of Arlesia, which are improving the Delta Trail with a toll bridge at Fordefract and reclaiming land in the mouth of the Blue Appius to use as a harbour


The Baron of Fordefract, Lodo, governs the town. He keeps order, but he is not particularly concerned with the fate of his smallfolk in his pursuit of his grudges.


Fordefract's tower keep looms over the village.


The Princely Company of Arlesia have recently been commissioned to construct a bridge and a harbour, for which they are reclaiming land to the south of the village.
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