Drakefoot Plains Geographic Location in Epidotra | World Anvil
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Drakefoot Plains

A peculiar sunken grassland that takes the vague shape of a great dragon foot surrounded by two forests to the east and west, along with a region of wetland to the south. It is questioned who discovered the plains' shape and spread it among the timber-folk, as the average person's height wouldn't allow a full bird's-eye view to see such a thing. Perhaps a mountaineer climbed the ranges north of Autumnmoor and saw it among the vast landscape. The plains are rumoured to be the doing of Goliathon, Dragon God, trampling the land and leaving a giant imprint, however the gargantuan dragon's path never crossed Timbervalley.

Kara's Vale

The cottage of a thought-to-be witch named Kara, alone in the wetlands south of the Drakefoot Plains. Kara was once part of Oldham's villagefolk in the Silver Age, however her unorthodox Shadow magic was considered an omen during these years, thus she was forced out to live in solitary until dying of old age in the Golden Age.

Black Forest Burrows

Owning Organization


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