Human Species in Eotha | World Anvil


Humans on Eotha are a recent development. Their origin is shrouded in mystery as they, along with the halflings, appeared on massive flotillas of severely damaged ships on the northernmost reaches of Nythlaang.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations


Humans are believed to have first appeared on Eotha in the late 21st century of the New Dawn Era, roughly two hundred years before the Time of Terror. They expanded alongside the halflings and an incredible rate, inhabiting dwarven and elven ruins dating back to the Dawn War and beyond. Initially these tribes squabbled as much with one-another as with the threats found on Nythlaang. However, in 2293 NDE the daughter of the King of Wyrth, Avaria later called Silvertouched, discovered a cavern in the mountain adjoining her father's capital.   Her Avaria discovered the existence of Bahamut, legendary protector of Eotha who many of the inhabitants of this world had claimed was dead. At a shrine deep in the mountain she had a vision of Bahamut chained beneath the Dragonborn capital of Hadar'arac. So began the Platinum Crusade, Avaria grew in power as a cleric of Bahamut and was incredibly charismatic. She allied humans, halflings, elves and dwarves together and marched upon the Dominion of Scales, eventually defeating Tiamat and securing humanity's future on Eotha.   During the Time of Terror, humans were key to the defeat of many of the fiends and avatars that Tiamat had brought into the world. All the while they continued to spread and grow in the north, eventually becoming the dominant species on Nythlaang alongside their Halfling allies.

Historical Figures

Avaria Silvertouched - Aasamir Cleric and Saint Vvraldrad the Founder

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

A firm and enduring alliance has sprung up between humans and halflings. Though there are still xenophobic conflicts between the two these are often less severe than racial conflict within their own species.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens


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