The Stone Sea Geographic Location in Eoferan | World Anvil
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The Stone Sea


The stone sea is named for the large rolling peaks that dominate the grasslands, curving over themselves, much like a sea during a heavy storm, with giant cresting waves, suddenly frozen into stone, with the frothing flotsam replaced by sparse dry grasses. The exposed rock face has told scholars much about the area, seeing the various strata laid bare in several dozens of feet of nearly clean rock walls that slope convexly into the rolling hills.


The environment of the stone seas is one of extremes, there are fine grasslands that cover the rolling hills, sharp winds from the coast that can cause even the hardiest of humans to have trouble standing, and the temperature varies wildly through the year, with the lowest of lows in the winter seasons being around 0°C (32°F), and the highest of the high being around 40°C (100°F).
The area is also home to wild cycling storms that come off the warm seas to the western coast of Kokintras, generally flooding deep into the continent with wild amounts of rainfall and damage to most structures, natural and artificial though winds and projectiles that the winds have hurled through space.

Localized Phenomena

Grievetra - A cycling storm that causes terribly high winds and heavy rains, flooding much of the Stone Sea when they come through, usually in the warmer months. The word Zientras is a portmanteau of two of the words of the Tauta humans that live in the region, griešanās which means to spin, and vētras which is the word they use for the thunderstorms that are also a persistent happenstance in the region. Usually the scope of damage from a Grievetra is a local phenomenon, however, rouge storms have been known to blow as far north as Inselgrune

Fauna & Flora

The Stone Seas have a mixture of naturally occuring Flora and Fauna that would be present in grasslands typical of the rest of the continent, however, within those are curious transitionary species that would be more at home in the underkingdoms of Dulkunbu. This is thought to have occured due to the exposed cliff faces and caves that dot the landscape, exposing the dark caverns of biomes under the continent to the surface in this area.

Natural Resources

The primary resource of the Stone seas is the stone itself. Granite, and other hard stones are quarried in the more populated regions of this area and are exported all over Loricanium for building structures.    Another popular export that is little considered from the area is simple salt. Seawater washed up and flooded through the Stone Seas and left various deep pools of salt water that have evaporated over time and left thick crusted salt puddles in the earth that the locals refer to as saglabase or the Preservation Pools.
The Peoples of the Stone Sea
The Tauta
One of the first tribes of humanoids, the Tauta trace their lineage back to the time of the Skylord. Wild and free they ran and hunted with centaurs across the plains of what is now Loricanium until the rise of the empire and their people being systematically contained further and further until they no longer ran across plains, but rappelled and climbed cliff faces in the Stone Seas.
Alternative Name(s)
The Crashing Hills
Rolling Hills
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Owning Organization
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