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"We stand today upon a lush and prosperous land, unconquered and unfettered, teeming with all of the Created who live together in harmony; one people united beneath the Light of the Guiding Star. I live to serve you, oh mighty and powerful Envordel, protected by the Great Creator Deities who sit at the feet of the Merciful." ~ Kyndön of the Fourth House; upon his annunciation as Voice of the Merciful, the three hundredth ninth-and-forty year following the Great Divide.   The truth of Envordel is not so picturesque an image.   Though it has been more than 300 long years since the Great Divide, tensions still run high between all the Created, slowly killing any good relations left between the previously peaceful people groups of Envordel. Every year the Mages' Council amasses more and more power--strong-arming politics with nepotism and magic--capitalizing on the increasing factionalism within the High Orders which emerged during the Silence of the Gods. Even the magic of the very land itself appears to be failing; famine, illness, and disaster have become commonplace. Crime is at an all-time high, roads are no longer safe to travel, and whispers of gathering war bands and sell swords for hire lurk in every tavern.   Ight'ryn'os is upon us.   {[Envordel is an original high-fantasy world designed for epic-level adventure quests and campaigns using a homebrew RPG system loosely based on The One Ring that somehow became a novel project. Oops.]}