Veronica Voss Character in Eniea | World Anvil
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Veronica Voss

The Mistress of the Manticore, Veronica Voss

Succubus art sourced from the Fifth Edition Monster Manual (p. 285), Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Christopher Perkins, copyright Wizards of the Coast 2014

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Veronica’s precise origin was unknown to all but her, and she certainly was tight-lipped when discussing her background with anyone. From conversation and divination, few details were known for certain, and the rest could be inferred. She was believed to have been a native of another plane, whether it be the Hells or the Abyss was unclear, but she had lived in Anbhor for at least forty years as the owner of a brothel in the city of Bearingpool. It was a favorite destination for Anbhor's political elite and financial class and gained a reputation as a place for debauchery and indulgence. Then, she was visited by the recently renowned Jester Voss, who followed a lead to her establishment and discovered that it was a cover for a cult to the Princess of Hell, Glasya. Any other run-of-the-mill adventurer would have put the building to flame and would have attempted to capture or kill Veronica. Instead, the two became close friends and found common ground in the following weeks. The two eventually came to an agreement, that Veronica would be adopted into the Voss family under certain conditions. First was to change her business into something more legitimate, even if the Assembly could abide a brothel, Jester would not allow it to tarnish his family name, if even slightly. The second was that in exchange for this conversion, she would be given an immense amount of gold to reorganize her business, and have shared access to Jester's already vast and growing network of contacts and elites.   In 1062, Veronica turned her business into The Manticore, a high-end inn, and hotel that serviced only the most exclusive clientele and provided world-class amenities. The hotel became so popular that they established branches in Huvora, Aquarin, and even as far east as Kingcardine. Despite its success, the hotel was destroyed during The Taking of Bearingpool, and all of its employees, including Veronica, were killed.

Morality & Philosophy

Few knew Veronica personally enough to express her particular morality, but she kept her employees in line and ran an extraordinarily tight ship, something that was difficult to do with a business as large as hers. Those that worked under her remarked that Veronica enjoyed everything to be orderly, tidy, and above all else, beautiful. A rigid dress code was enforced for all her guests and her workers, with exceptions only made for clients with truly deep pockets. She also demanded formal courtesy at all times, speaking in a lulling and sophisticated manner that belied a sharp wit. She was obsessed with keeping everything in line with her peculiar tastes, including the decor of her hotel and the food it served. If anything ever fell outside of this paradigm, it was considered to be ugly; and, therefore, disposable.


Family Ties

Veronica was a member of the international and highly influential Voss family. She was adopted by Jester during his freshman adventures in Terisirae. The two met in Anbhor sometime around the 1060s Y.E., where she was quickly brought under his wing. Veronica was naturally gifted with a sharp and cunning mind, a gift that Jester knew would serve the ends of him and his brother very well. She was the second to be brought into the family, the younger sister of Akmenos.
Crimson Red
Burning Auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Soft Cream
103 lbs

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