Juril Character in Endhaven | World Anvil
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Juril (a.k.a. The Self-Sealed Soverign)

Juril, the main character in the myth of Juril and Balaneus, was a soldier who defied and overthrew the Blanian Empire with the assistance of 6 of his thralls, known to Survivors as the Faoilist Gods. After elevating to godhood, he watched over the world as it eventually began to waste away, with many atrocities committed by the mortals he once stood for sickening him. As such, he decided to start everything fresh and new via the Cataclysm, dramatically morphing the world into a new image, and forcing its survivors to adapt. For the past 400 years, he has been content with this new world, though he can sense something is, or soon will be, awry.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Juril was once a very fit human, standing at an impressive height of 6'8" upon defeating the Blanians. However, upon achieving godhood, his corporeal body disappeared. His later form, an Etherkind, will be the only vessel powerful enough to hold his soul, due to its high-energy nature.
Current Location
Year of Birth
28 1518 Years old

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