Hyperborea Geographic Location in The Encyclopaedia Tellurica | World Anvil


Hyperborea is a continent pulsating with the harmonies of tradition, progress, mysticism and industry, where the echoes of a Thaumoindustrial Revolution reverberate across diverse landscapes.   In the south of this vast continent lies the sacred Cathricene Cradle, a region deeply entwined with the Holy Cathrican Empire. Here, Church and State dance as inseparable partners, overseen by the divine Imperators Cathrica Regina Imperatrix and Kal Invictus Rex. Ten nations, united under the theocratic symphony, forge a path guided by faith and governance.   West of Cathrica lies the Lighthouse Coast, where sandy shores meet fields of abundance, and the Western Shieldland, where forests hide the sylvan cities of the Sunset Elves. Along the West Rim's coastal archipelago, echoes of fiendish pride linger amidst ghostly memorials. The Highmoor, wound through with monster-haunted, labyrinthine tunnels, is also home to Tallwater, a metropolis which straddles the vast waterfalls at the mouth of the mighty River Wisidivescor, embodying the resilience of Western Hyperborea.   Across the north, the Hoedenheim Territory beckons with untamed beauty and imminent danger. As tales of recent arcanite discoveries fuel industrial interests, the dissolution of the Ordning echo. Adventurers navigate a world where the forces of nature, magic, and industrialization collide, while giants and dragons pose formidable threats.
Hyperborea Base Map Image
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Related Tradition (Primary)
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