Dragons Species in Enaros | World Anvil


A graphic featuring an eastern dragon on the left (serpentine with long barbels) and a western dragon (Stockier, has wings). The eastern dragon is orange and is on a background of fire. The western dragon is blue on a background of ice
by SeraphRDM

Basic Information



Serpentine dragons are from the eastern countries, such as Hoseki, Xinghong, Jiyeog, Ittoleq, Mincali, and Oqattanq. Although they are all not similar creatures, they do all share the main characteristic of being long and snake-like.

In Ittoleq, Mincali Oqattanq, the serpentines would be feathered. They were all considered air dragons. They did not have legs, and typically preferred to stay to the skies. When they landed, they would be on their bellies, which was thick with protection for their internal organs.

In Hoseki, Xinghong, and Jiyeog, they were all scaled. Female serpentines in those regions had a furry mane while male ones only had long barbels. Intersex serpentines were known to have smaller manes and medium-length barbels.


From the Orien word for 'dragon with butterfly-like wings', these are dragons that resemble Earthen faerie dragons. As was mentioned, their wings are butterfly-like. However, their bodies and wings are colored in multiple colors and are more gradient. Some have flecks, almost like freckles, on their wings. Others can have a pattern similar to clouds. They are also rather petite dragons, though their related dracids don't have to be.


Resemble typical Earthen bat-winged dragons. Their wings and scale pattern are less decorative. The wings were either a solid color or a gradient, depending on genetics. As they are typical dragons, they're a bit stockier and not as petite as Faehgyon dragons.

Genetics and Reproduction

Since dragons typically keep multiple partners at a time throughout their reproductive years and beyond, they typically will reproduce with any and sometimes all the dragons in their harem if at all possible. However, sometimes the female wishes to not reproduce and the male ones are more than welcome to reproduce with the female dragons in the harem or seek out another female partner in order to do so.

As they are reptiles of a sort, dragons lay eggs and babies hatch from them. Eggs hatch after 2-3 years after being laid. (I know, it's a long time, but it works).

Ecology and Habitats

Depending on the type of dragon, they could live just about anywhere. Though dragons who breathe fire typically choose colder climates due to their over abundance of heat. Dragons who take to the air like airid climates and dryer climates such as grasslands.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dragons in general have heightened hearing but poor eyesight. They can see, just not as well as other species.

Dragons had the most miasma and could do magic that ordinary Enarians could not do. Their magic was bestowed upon them to protect Enaros and its inhabitants. Each dragon and their family were given very specific abilities, and they were to use them in their own ways.

Known Dragons and their abilities


Aural vision, used to check on people's emotions as well as the world's. Considered a faehgyon-lyrana mix, given xe had both in xer family tree.


Chaos magic, used to end wars generally. A few different applications exist for chaos magic: disaster manipulation, which can create, shape, and manipulate all forms of disasters (including natural ones matter manipulation; and illusion mastery. Illusion magic was necessary for protecting dragons as well as certain people. Considered a lyrana dragon.


Dream manipulation, used to help friends struggling with nightmares as well as sometimes protect an entire country's dreams as was needed back in the day. Also typically protects user from bad dreams and allows them to manipulate other people's dreams (i.e. if someone is having recurring nightmares, dream manipulators do what they can to manipulate the nightmares into nice dreams, or something along thoes lines).


Shapeshifting: any animal form can be taken.


Cloaking: when an individual needs to cloak themself, someone else, or something in general.


The ability to look into the future—one's own, another person's, even the planet's.

For more information on their abilities and which families are dracids, please follow this link Dracidic Magic.


Extinction was brought upon the dragons in the 200s in the Scientific Era, when an outbreak of what was called 'dusk plague' happened. The plague infected dragons slowly, starting in the early 100s. However, the final dragon passed away in 267, after imbuing their powers into their last dracid family.

However, many outside of the Council of Sorcerers do not know that it was humans who caused the excitinction. Conservative humans of the Children of the Prophet brand frowned upon dragons and worked together to figure out a way to eradicate them. Unfortunately, they discovered a way to create a magical virus which infected the dragons.

Once the virus was released, the countdown to extinction had already begun.

Dusk Plague

This plague infected dragons at moderate speeds, and one of the biggest things it did was destroy sperm and eggs. Mothers getting ready to lay eggs had their unborn killed by this plague. However, first it affected the dragon with dropping body temperature briefly, joint aches, nausea, and vomiting. Sometimes it brought about coughing but it was rare to infect the lungs.

Solution: Dracids

Because of the potential loss of the powers bestowed upon the dragons by the gods, the living dragons made it their mission to figure out a way to preserve their abilities. It didn't take long once they figured out a spell that would magically infuse their blood into a being of their choosing. Though the being themselves would not have those abilities, their offspring and future generations would.

Each dragon considered each individual and their family, with Yun Long even traveling around and offering guidance with their ability to sense the future. Eventually, each dragon as a representative of their family line imbued their magic into 10-15 families per dragon, so as to avoid the off chance of the powers completely disappearing.

Between 263 and 307, the first generation of dracids had been born. For information on known dracid families and to learn more about dracidic magic, please check out Dracidic Magic.

Random Facts

  • Dragons have glands in their throats that allow them to breathe fire.
  • Body temperatures are far higher in dragons who can breathe fire. They were the species with the highest body temperature of all animals.
  • Every dragon had the ability to take on a sapient form, whether orc, elf, eathys, dwarf, or even human. It was not related to shapeshifting, however. These forms were typically glamours, although shapeshifting dragons could do it without a glamour.
  • Dragons can PURR like cats. Get a dragon purring and boy howdy it's just as healing as a kitty purr. Now get a cat and a dragon together, both purring. Now you should be healed.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Dragons have no concept of gender. Dragons are dragons. There are dragons who lay eggs and dragons who don't. Who cares past that? Do dragons use pronouns? Yes, as it's necessary when referring to themselves in casual conversation with non-dragons. Past that, not really.

Genetic Descendants
1500 years


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