Enchantments Technology / Science in Empires Under a Setting Sun | World Anvil
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Most objects can, with some degree of effort, be magically modified such that even non-Mages are able to use them. Cavorite is technically an extremely widespread form of enchantment, but all components of such systems can be used without direct application of mana from the user.   There are countless widespread uses for this technology, as long as the society using them accepts Magic. The standard Vulkan crossbow bolt massively reduces friction with an obstacle for up to a centimeter when triggered, allowing every single military-issued crossbow in Republic service to punch their explosive content past thin armor plates or monstrous hides. The 'arrows' fired by elven bows in combat, upon impact convert their entire bodies into a concentrated blast of magical fire in a pattern similar to that of shaped-charge warheads. A sword can be made to never chip or snap under even the heaviest fighting, and many influential individuals have indeed chosen such weapons.   For enchantments to be activated, there must be an appropriate power source. Electrical and magical devices are the most practical and widespread, but even the bright minds of the Fourth Age have yet to engineer high-capacity batteries and mana jars that are compact enough to be practical. A frictionless sword might only have a few seconds to slice through armor before becoming inert, and thus such enchantments must be managed carefully to not shut off amidst a duel.   Still, the weight of enchanted equipment, limited power sources, and much higher cost are of little impediment to the mighty individuals who wield them, and even in the age of mass production artisans with an eye for magic are in high demand.


Makes things more useful.


The list of methods enchanting can be done are as almost long as the list of things that have been enchanted. Through ritual and the integration of technological aids, a pickaxe can effortlessly pierce bedrock, and a cheaply-made buckler shield could even block a cannon shell (with a lot of luck and prayer). A mage could even dispose of mana storage devices and directly power enchanted machinery themselves.   This is not be possible with gunpowder-based weaponry and living creatures, as the volatile and ever-changing composition of such things preclude a stable enchantment.
Parent Technologies
Varies depending on the technology implemented and how widespread magical knowledge is in the civilization creating the device. While the creation of certain parts of an enchantment can usually only be done by a mage, as long as there is a power source available any average creature should be able to utilize enchanted equipment until the charge is depleted.
When the first mage decided they wanted to have something stay magical when they weren't around. Unknown, likely been around as long as magic has been.