Epochal Sanctum in Empire of a Thousand Sunsets | World Anvil
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Epochal Sanctum

Greetings weary traveller! Welcome to the Epochal Sanctum, a venerable bastion of wisdom and innovation nestled up high above the World of Vishidal. Within these hallowed walls, the curious minds of our era converge, driven by a shared pursuit of knowledge and progress.
The Epochal Sanctum stands as a testament to our commitment to enlightenment, bridging the gap between antiquity and the future. Here, scholars, artisans, and visionaries unite to forge the future, each endeavour a ripple in the river of time. Step into the Epochal Sanctum, where the echoes of the past harmonize with the aspirations of tomorrow.
The Grandmaster Narrator
    Leader of Epochal Sanctum, he expertly weaves the reflections of The Great Ponderer and the knowledge catalogued by The Exalted Librarian; with his own creativity and charisma, into a compelling narrative of the events; past, present and future, that transpire within the World of Vishidal.   He ensures that the timeline and events in the World of Vishidal align with the designs of the Creative Ether.   Likes: 'Rooting Tooting' Adventure story.   Dislikes: The phrase Rooting Tooting.   Fun Fact: The Denizens of Epochal Sanctum nickname for The Grandmaster is "Carrottop" due to that he used to wear a comically sized orange and green pointy hat.
The Great Ponderer
He refers to himself as 'intriguing, thought-provoking intellectual' whilst all others call him 'that nutter that is always in the bath and spews random stuff'.   Unorthodox to say the least, his insights occasionally burst out into unintentional creativity that is fully exploited by The Grandmasters scribes that constantly write down everything that The Great Ponderer says to the delight of his ego.
Likes: Baths and Festivals.   Dislikes: Reading   Fun Fact: The reason that he spends always in the bath is that he believes that the oils and salts that he puts in are conduits for the Creative Ether that is then channelled through him.
The Exalted Librarian
Quiet, reserved and knowledgeable these are the words that all describe The Exalted Librarian, well at least on their first meeting. Soon all would realise that she has a fierce temper; wielding the infamous Ruler of Judgement, especially when you touch any of the Sanctum's archives without permission.   With her team of disciplined scribes and clerks she keeps all records in top catalogued condition ready to bring to the fore whatever is required by The Grandmaster.
Likes: Books, organised rows of Books, smell of books, . . . (ok she just crazy about books).   Dislikes: The Great Ponderer.   Fun Fact: Before arriving at the Epochal Sanctum she was completely illiterate but through guidance from The Grandmaster and sheer force of determination she learnt how to read and write.


Oath Month

Oaths are words with power? As stronger the words, the stronger they bind, stronger they aspire! Yet stronger is the hurt when broken . . .
The Great Ponderer, The Bathtub, Sunday evening
Happy Anvilite New Year! At the end of last year was an hectic affair what with the Festival of Embers in full swing and the subsequent celebrations that marked the end of the festival and the start of a brand new year. There is some exciting news that this is the first year that the Epochal Sanctum with the assistance of The Overseer has been recognised as a member of the Anvilite Collective! Now it is Oath Month, so the Exalted Librarian will explain for the newly arrived on what this month had entailed for the Sanctum.
Thank you Grandmaster! Greetings everyone and I am the Exalted Librarian tasked with cataloging and collating all the knowledge that is available for the World of Vishidal and provided by The Overseer . . .
P Don't forget my contributions of insight into The Overseer's mind and the whispers of the creative ether, the shouts of inspiration, the hymns of the . . .
Shut up you idiot! The guests don't want to hear of your drivel! . . . Ahem! Now where was I? . . . Ah yes, the Oath Month is a scacred ritual where Anviltes dedicate the soul to the worldbuilding that they hold so dear to their hearts. To show his commitment to us at the Sanctum, The Overseer has given vows that he will fulfil each month which coinside with various events, rituals and rites of the Anvilites.
I couldn't have put it better myself! In the aftermath of the Festival of Embers, it is customary for The Overseer to provide vital information on proceedings of other worlds that Anvilites have created and also what he envisions and promises to fulfil in the current year. To which the Epochal Sanctum will happily oblige in providing assistance, to fulfil his wishes for the World of Vishidal that he has lovingly created.
Within this document! *Looks at title* New Year's Resolutions 2024 is the full report on the other Anvilite worlds and the promises that The Overseer will be fulfilled. P
N There is a summary of the Oaths taken that will be posted on the right hand side of this conference room. Also even though we are busy with the preparation of Thank you all for coming and wish you all an enlightening stay at the Epochal Sanctum.


Beast Month

L Hello! Nice to meet you again. Finally we have an update from the Overseer, there is a lot to cover so I will go straight into! Firstly, there was the unanticipated Anvilites event of Cabinet of Curiosities, which various items were offered to be including in a showcase of unique oddities from the world of Vishidal. We loaned three items to the event which were Fanjaz Sweep, Rakar Prasta and Karmaic Solar Stove. I have give a short introduction and links to the each of the entries below.
Fanjaz Sweep is a Lake People's heirloom, its style and usage harks back to the maritime roots of its forbearers, it is both a unique and a deadly weapon.
Rakar Prasta is a portable Karmaic shrine that provides a more localised yet versatile version of the Karmaic Temple.
Karmaic Solar Stove is a more contemporary late invention that upgrades and refines the primitive solar oven with the Karmaic crystals and Rakar Prasta concept.
Unfortunately the Overseer could not complete the full list of optional items to be displayed in the Cabinet of Curiosities, however here at the Epochal Sanctum, might follow in the Anvilites footsteps in displaying unique items from the World of Vishidal at a later date. Now, interesting I have been through the archives and found an interesting segment from a report that follows the theme of this month, Beast Month. Enjoy! L
Excerpt from the Expedition from the Temple of Naturalis of the Empire of the Thousand Sunsets:
Year 956ADA, 4th Min, 23rd Mer.
Approximate Location: North along the Sub-Eastern section of Pakkar Forest hills.
Following previous outings, sightings and expeditions of lesser consensus we have arrived in the 
vicinity of Cultivator Lupin territory. After trekking through the wooded hills for several Mers 
now, we finally discovered a fully established Cultivator Lupin colony complete with a Terraced 
Stream landscape. 
It was a wonder to behold, as the various teams broke up to focus on their particular 
objectives, I quickly unfurled my scroll tablet to start my own notes on all the activity 
As Expedition Leader it is my duty to collate and record all measurements and data, plus to 
dictate a official summary that will be presented to my superiors at the High Temple and even 
to the Imperial Court. 
Expedition Leader High Priest Ourn Bo-Tatpo
Imperial Official Summary:
Terraced Streams



Overseer Chronology

Chronicles of the events, major and minor milestones that are written down by The Grandmaster Narrator from the visions and communes that he recieves from the Overseer; the being that dictates and guides the events that unfold in the World of Vishidal.


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Beast Month

Terraced Streams
  Cultivator Lupins   Forest Coyote   Meadow Kestrel   Mini Kingfisher   Mud Newts   Shadow Leeches   Rampager Lupin   Bounty Wheat   Pond Reeds      

Cabinet of Curiosities

Fanjaz Sweep
Rakar Prasta
Karmaic Solar Stove

Oath Month

New Year's Resolutions 2024

World Ember 2023

WorldEmber 2023 Homework
Vishidal Creation
Karmaic Gods
Sunrise Wars
Zephyr Raptors
Ouran Laha Seekers
Luminous Drifters
Celestial Blossoms
Karmaic System

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