House Gelgis
House Gelgis is one of the Four Great Houses of Emdar, together with House Reimdal, House Holstar and the Imperial Family House Darren. The heroic progenitor of the house is Terpischore Gelgis; the current head is old Clion Gelgis , who rules from his house's seat, Mirthall on Pearl Island. Clion is the father of Roam Gelgis, which makes him the grandfather of Roam Sebastian Borghast-Gelgis on his father's side.
The sigil of House Gelgis is a purple fool's cap on a field of orange.
The house motto is: "Always have the last laugh."
House Gelgis is best known for being a patron of the arts and knowledge. The colleges of Mirthall are renowned for their classes in music and lore. A scion of House Gelgis is expected to be performer of sorts. Clion is an established poet and his son Roam Sebastian Reimdal-Gelgis is an excellent lute player.
This smiling mask however covers a darker side. It is rumored that, besides sciences and arts, the colleges of Mirthhall teach darker and more ancient secrets that never leave the isles. It is said that they worship different gods on the islands, unknown to the kingdom proper. Throughout the history of Emdar, House Gelgis has always been a player; even though they have never made a successful claim on the throne, they have always had a strong presence in court and have influenced royal politics for centuries.
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