Emaxus is currently undergoing a large entry into a new Age (and a large revision of the current Age). Consider this an active construction zone: things are moving around, getting changed, and the world's being reorganized. Apologies for the inconvenience!
- Brian

The Temple-Tribunal of Yathra Silthame (Ya-thruh Sil-tha-may)

The Temple-Tribunal is the governing body of Yathra Silthame, the Silver City. Since the Reckoning, this esteemed triumvirate has guided Yathra Silthame's growth and expansion, maintaining a largely unbroken and peaceful reign despite dozens of members coming in and out of the Tribunal. Comprised of the religious leaders of the largest three temples -- Xaen, Yamma, and Laianath -- the Temple-Tribunal's members are deeply entrenched in both religious and political affairs. As the religious heart of Emaxus, this has never bothered the people of Yathra Silthame before.  


The primary goal of the Temple-Tribunal is always to protect the future of Yathra Silthame; however, the day-to-day, council-to-council goals of the Tribunal vary intensely. At present, the Temple-Tribunal has declared war on Thouw Pren and joined Kubrington in the Second Heartland War. Thus, their goal is to ensure victory over the "scheming mages" of Thouw Pren and their allies.  


The Temple-Tribunal tends to have a good relationship with most foreign nations. As the Silver City, Yathra Silthame is held in high regard by anyone who acknowledges the Children of Yamma; thus, keeping the Silver City's rulers happy and in good standing tends to be a smart move for most foreign leaders. With the ever-increasing fighting of the Second Heartland War, Demtodhir, Thouw Pren, and Eswa are at odds with the Temple-Tribunal.   Additionally, the remains of the Imperium of Aitreas has less-than-favorable opinions of the current Temple-Tribunal. They feel that the Tribunal hasn't done enough to aid them since the Collapse, an act that calls back to Yathra Silthame's notable neutrality during the Fragmented War five centuries ago.  

Figures of Interest

Glatur Hardcloak, High Judicator of Xaen

Lawful evil, dwarf cleric of Xaen Having been the High Judicator for some thirty years now, Glatur Hardcloak has a long history as a Tribunal member. He is a fanatical believer in Xaen, and thinks that the idea of mortal unity Xaen proscribes can apply to all things; he believes that true, universal unity is the highest aspiration of Yophas and all its peoples. He rarely shares those beliefs openly, but he is well-known for being strong-willed at best and stubborn at worst.   Behind closed doors, Glatur is the Yellow Star of Cthrion. He works to bring about the Great Synchronization and then teach Xaen's holy word in the World After.  

Amelia de Bolbec, Grand Matriarch of Yamma

Lawful good, human cleric of Yamma   A compassionate woman with a bit too much religious zeal, Amelia de Bolbec has given her entire life to the Silver Pinnacle and Yamma's teachings. Through her seven decades of life, Amelia has climbed the ranks of Yamma's clergy to become the Grand Matriarch, a title she has held for about ten years.   Even though she voted with Glatur, she isn't an evil person by any means. She genuinely believes that Yathra Silthame has to fight in the Second Heartland War, and has no idea what all Glatur is up to.  

Nargol Deathsong, Archpartitioner of Laianath

Lawful neutral, orc cleric of Laianath As the Archpatitioner of Laianath, Nargol oversees the interring and honoring of all of Yathra Silthame's dead. She has a grim respect for death, a devotion to Laianath's laws, and a zealous hatred for undeath and war. She is a largely calm and collected woman, but never mistake her coolness for weakness. She has a will stronger than the permafrost of Laithna.   She was the sole dissenter of the vote to join the Second Heartland War, and has grown increasingly distrusting of Glatur.

The Assassination of Gallo Sterngrace

In the Temple-Tribunal's nine hundred year reign, there has only ever been one violent death among its countless members: Gallo Sterngrace. He was brutally assassinated in 167 AT by a cult of Marzak. Then-Archpartitioner of Laianath, he was killed because Laianath is believed to have been one of the gods who slew Marzak. After his death, the Temple-Tribunal moved to create the Silverguard: an elite force of warriors, paladins, and clerics who defend the city and its territories to this day.
Political, Triumvirate
Controlled Territories


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Jul 16, 2022 15:37

Order, Death, and Goku.