The Demon Lords, Children of Chaos Myth in Emaxus | World Anvil
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- Brian

The Demon Lords, Children of Chaos

"Mathrak is our home. These are our fields to slaughter, our lands to raze, and our dominions to carve. Anything not borne of chaos is an intruder. Chaos does not take kindly to intruders."

Huge thanks to Antonio J. Manzanedo for the awesome cover art!
Lords of entire subplanes of Mathrak and commanders of endless legions, the Demon Lords are the Children of Marzak and rulers of the demonic hordes of Mathrak. Demon Lords are the true rulers of the Fields of Battle: progeny of or blessed by Marzak to control chaos and its children. There are endless powerful demons who rule over other demons, and they may call themselves demon lords, but they are nothing more than archfiends. True Demon Lords are the ones listed below.  

Marzak, Titan of Chaos

Both god and titan, Marzak is the father of all demons. He is worshipped by the Demon Lords listed herein, and all demons work to enact his will: which is often little more than slaughter, war, and the spread of chaos.  

Mazerkal, Endless Rage

First child of Marzak, Mazerkal is the Primordial of Chaos. Manifesting as a titanic hydra, Mazerkal seeks only to destroy. The Primordial of Chaos never rests. It is never sated, either. Mazerkal controls no hordes, unless you count the scavengers that follow it. It roams and destroys. Many are the tales of entire battlefields---and all armies therein, regardless of faction---being wiped away in Mazerkal's destructive wake.   It is lucky, then, that Mazerkal looms as a five-headed mountain of scales and fury over the fields of Mathrak. One can see it coming from miles away, and know to flee---or that their death is approaching.

Mak'zel, the Fallen

Forged from light and corrupted by chaos, Mak'zel was once known as Alak'zel, Right Hand of An'liceth. During the Reckoning, Marzak took Alak'zel and broke him, turning an angel of justice and order into a corrupted being of chaos and war, and thus Mak'zel was born. Mak'zel is the only Demon Lord not directly created by Marzak, but Marzak poured so much chaotic power into Mak'zel to make him equal to his new peers.   Now, Mak'zel is a Lord of Chaos who marshals endless hordes of chaosspawn to wash over his enemies. He also dabbles in mingling his corrupted celestial blood to create new hybrid demons with wings and celestial resilience. These experiments have largely been unsuccessful, but should they ever succeed, the dynamics of Mathrak would be changed greatly.  

Mazkeroth, Lord of the Pits

Second child of Marzak, Mazkeroth is wrath and violence made manifest. He is cruel without end, seeking to end a hundred thousand lives over a hundred thousand years. Titled Lord of the Pits for the vast torture crags he prides himself on, Mazkeroth is one of the most brutal creatures in all of Yophas.   Mazkeroth typically appears as a bulbous demon with reptilian scales and a fat, long tail that drags along the ground behind him. He has four eyes of dripping, glowing blood and white-hot flame radiating from a crater in his head. He has pinions impaled in him across his entire body, and he regularly tears them free, heats them on his flame, and sticks them back in to sear his own flesh.  

Maramaz, Queen of War

Third child of Marzak, Maramaz is the war machine of the Demon Lords. Mak'zel is a born-again Demon Lord, overly embracing chaos and sending hordes of thousands to pointless battles. Maramaz is terrifying in that her tactical mind and cunning rivals that of a Devil Ultimate yet her actual battle plans are tempered by pure chaos and a raw desire for war and bloodshed. Maramaz commands the vast majority of the demonkin who spawn from the Primordial Chaos. In fact, she positioned her region of the Bloodlands to give her the easiest access to many of the rifts that demons belch forth from, press-ganging them into service from the moment they are "born."   Maramaz appears as a towering woman with red-furred goat legs and charcoal skin. Her eyes shine as brightly as Yacrena itself, and she is never seen without her blood red, dragon titanium plate and greatsword. She prefers to lead from the front, and has thus been the final sight of many-a devil, demon, and unlucky outsider.

The Bloodlands of Mathrak

Each of the Demon Lords of Mathrak controls a vast swath of the plane. While they do not control the entirety of Mathrak, and the borders of their lands may shift, the centers of these holdings have not changed in many centuries. As such, these center areas---some the size of a continent---have changed and evolved to match their master's whims. These regions are collectively known as the Bloodlands, and form the "rim" of Mathrak. The center of the plane is desolate and devastated, pockmarked by the scars of endless war, while the Bloodlands represent a more permanent grip of chaos's whims. They are not safe nor peaceful by any stretch of the words, but the threats are more singular. The Bloodlands are:
  • The Desolation. These endless plains are "ruled" by Mazerkal, in the sense that it has wiped out almost all life. The bones of ancient monstrosities and countless armies scatter on the wind across these devastated crags. Whereas the rest of the Bloodlands are marked by their increasing infrastructure, fortifications, and environmental changes, the Desolation is aptly-named for its bone-chilling emptiness.
  • The Fields of Fallen Glory. Mak'zel's Bloodland is a sick parody of the celestial cities of Yamkath. Vast keeps watch over desolate and decrepit cities, while countless slaves---demonic and otherwise---work to supply the demonic hordes Mak'zel commands, all while The Fallen himself experiments tirelessly in the heart of the Fields: his bastion of Makalaband.
  • The Pits of Suffering. Ruled by Mazkeroth, the Pits of Suffering are well-described by just their names: they are a stretch of countless miles of broken crags and deep pits, within which are the catacomb cities that Mazkeroth's thousands of victims are tormented. The Pits of Suffering are hauntingly silent and empty on the surface, but the whispered moans that carry up from the pits belie the endless suffering hidden in the dark below.
  • The Eye of Chaos. The largest of the Bloodlands, the Eye of Chaos is the psuedo-kingdom that Maramaz lords over. Countless bastion-cities rise over countless rifts to the Primordial Chaos, each fortress-complex being an infrastructural heart, war production site, and breeding ground unto itself. This vast network of brood havens and industrial complexes form Maramaz's endless war machine. Well-trodden are the roads from the Eye of Chaos towards the Burning Gates.


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