Dominion Item in Emaxus | World Anvil
Emaxus is currently undergoing a large entry into a new Age (and a large revision of the current Age). Consider this an active construction zone: things are moving around, getting changed, and the world's being reorganized. Apologies for the inconvenience!
- Brian


Credit to Dima Dyl for the visual design/cover art!
A beautiful greataxe believed to have been created for a champion of Isael by Kaedo, Dominion was wielded by many different champions of the Tempest over the course of the Reckoning. It was passed to whoever was deemed Isael's greatest warrior at the time, but the one who truly forged Dominion's legend was Nauneo Thunderheart Kolakanathi, a goliath woman who slew Obsidian Lord followers in the hundreds. It was in one of the final battles of the Reckoning that she was torn asunder by the combined efforts of Marzok and Narvox, and legends claim her agony in death was rivalled only by her agony postmortem.   After her death, Dominion was lost to time. Some believe it was stolen from Emaxus in the chaos of the Reckoning, or it is simply lost out on the planes. The truth is, no one knows.  

The Legend

Long before even the earliest battle of the Reckoning, Isael sought to have a gift for which her champions to strive for. So, she commissioned a great greataxe to be crafted by Kaedo, one which would be fit for a divine champion of the God of Glory and Combat. And so, Dominion was born. For many years during the Age of Rebirth, the various wielders of Dominion performed great deeds: slaying dragons, ending liches, and other glorious feats.   But it was in the crucible of the Reckoning that Dominion's greatest wielder would forge the weapon's legend: Nauneo Thunderheart Kolakanathi. It was she who used Dominion to cleave hundreds, if not thousands, of the Obsidian Lords' followers in twain. Indeed, in one of the final battles of the Reckoning, Nauneo even dueled a balor and emerged victorious, the demon's wings severed and Dominion dripping with its infernal blood. But, with one of his commanders slain on the battlefield, Marzok the Ragebinder turned to the Tempest's champion and alongside Narvox, King in Black, tore Nauneo's body, mind, and soul asunder.   After, Dominion could not be found. Whether it was stolen by a follower of the Obsidian Lords, or whisked away to another plane, no one knows. All that is known is that its location is a mystery.  

The Remnant

greataxe, legendary, requires attunement by a Barbarian   After being missing for centuries, Dominion has lost much of the glorious power that coursed through it in the Reckoni; however, in the hands of a champion like Nauneo, the Stormlord's greataxe could easily reclaim its strength.  


In its dormant form, Dominion appears like a normal, if not exceedingly well-made, greataxe. It has none of its golden and bronze hues, and rust tinges its axehead.
  • The wielder has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
  • Stormlord's Rage. While the wielder is enraged, they gain resistance to lightning and thunder damage. If they already have resistance, they gain immunity.
  • Tempest of Death. Once per short rest, the wielder can, as an action, perform a whirlwind attack with Dominion. The wielder must then make an attack against every creature within 5 feet, gaining advantage against creatures of Medium size or smaller.


Whether by way of a feat of strength or bloody combat, Dominion regains its polish and loses all rust upon being awoken. Intricate runework is emblazoned upon its axehead in silver, and it crackles with faint blue sparks when swung.
  • The wielder has a +2 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
  • Stormlord's Rage. While the wielder is enraged, they gain resistance to acid, lightning, poison, and thunder damage. If they already have resistance, they gain immunity.
  • Tempest of Death. Once per short rest, the wielder can, as an action, perform a whirlwind attack with Dominion. The wielder must then make an attack against every creature within 5 feet, gaining advantage against creatures of Medium size or smaller. Resistances are ignored for these attacks.
  • Peal of Thunder, Crack of Lightning. Attacks with Dominion deal an additional 1d12 thunder damage, increased to 3d6 when raging.


Upon its wielder achieving the right to be called Champion of the Stormlord (which can mean anything, really, as long as it was through an epic feat or trial), Dominion is restored to the glory it knew in the hands of Nauneo. All silver runework is now golden bronze, and gold-bronze hues fill the spikes and metals of the entirety of the greataxe.
  • The wielder has a +3 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
  • Stormlord's Rage. While the wielder is enraged, they gain resistance to acid, lightning, poison, and thunder damage. If they already have resistance, they gain immunity. They also gain immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks, and resistance from magical attacks.
  • Tempest of Death. Once per short rest, the wielder can, as an action, perform a whirlwind attack with Dominion. The wielder must then make an attack against every creature within 5 feet, gaining advantage against creatures of Medium size or smaller. Resistances and immunities are ignored for these attacks.
  • Peal of Thunder, Crack of Lightning. Attacks with Dominion deal an additional 3d6 thunder damage, increased to 3d10 when raging.
  • Kord's Cleaver. As a bonus action, the wielder can choose to make their next successful melee attack with Dominion into a divine cleave. The damage bonus of Peal of Thunder, Crack of Lightning is tripled for that attack, and the target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the thunder or lightning damage taken. The damage of this attack ignores all immunities or resistances. This feature can only be used once per long rest.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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