Han Territories Geographic Location in Elyria | World Anvil
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Han Territories

A vast land spanning mountains and valleys, huge plains and islands. The Han territories are expansive, but is made of an alliance of 3 kingdoms. ‘Han’ is the collective name for the people of these kingdoms, but each kingdom is very different in culture. The Han are also the most technologically advanced people in Elyria, but are rather protective of their technology.   The Han Alliance made an agreement for a single dialect and alphabet for their territories, to be taught alongside common in schools. This language is called Lub Suab  (pronounced ‘lu sang’) and has an old form and a new form. The old form is tonal and has 4 tones, but the new form did away with the tones and sounds slightly different.   All Han see golden yellow as a royal or religious colour, and it cannot be worn by anyone else who does not have either status.   The Han Territories are connected by what’s basically Elyria’s longest highway, and it passes through or near a number of large towns. It’s called the Han Imperial Passage, or more commonly, the Saffron Trail. The trail passes through the Kaliyaka Desert, on the southernmost side. And it’s a two week long journey. Luckily, there are guard towers posted every 35-40km.   There are a group of nomadic desert people, largely bandits, called the The Infernal Scourge . They are master cavalrymen and they tend to attack travellers who wander the desert unprotected. However, they will leave travellers alone if they are shown hospitality (and given some coin)   The three kingdoms that make up the Alliance are:
The Johin
The Saileud
The Vassa
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