The Elefae, Dragons of Elturia Species in Elturia | World Anvil
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The Elefae, Dragons of Elturia

The dragons of Elturia are few and hold awesome power. Originally created through a pact between the Fae and Primordial Lords, they exhibit characteristics of both. The power given to them by the Fae imbued them with a deep connection to the magic of the world spirit, while the Primordial Lords crafted their physical forms from the elements tying them to the biomes of the land. The Elefae often resemble the element that they are most deeply connected to, and do not lean towards any particular morality.  


In the rise of mortals, many were created to either fight for or against the tyrant Surtym. The lord of the large kind would have eventually won this war and dominated the land, reshaping it in his image, if not for the Primordial Lords and the Fae setting aside their differences to work together.
Their alliance became known as the Elefae Pact, and together they created the perfect weapon against the giants of Surtym, Dragons. These creatures were an amalgamation of both Fae magic, and deeply tied to the elements of the world. With their capability for flight and their ability to spew fire, ice, or even acid, they proved to be the key to victory for the Elefae Pact.
The three original dragons created were Godreki, Hraedrek, and Slaemdreki. They were so instrumental in the war, and imbued with such a large amount of power, that they eventually rose to divinity themselves. Their original names have been stricken from the cosmos, having only the names the people of the land have given them (see Pantheon of Elturia)
One dragon in particular became known to mortals for developing a deep bond with elvish hero, Gilindrea Helfast. Drekim, the Biting Radiance, was one of five dragons created after the primordial three. He took most after Godreki and was charged with helping protect the young mortal races. He carried Gilindrea Helfast into battle after battle, fighting beside her in the final fight against Surtym. Helfast was slain, but they managed to at least banish Surtym from this realm, giving mortal kind a chance to make something of itself. After the battle, Drekim vanished. Many mortals believed he has forsaken his duty to help protect them, while others still believe that there has not been a threat large enough to warrant his attention.
The names and whereabouts are not known of the other four dragons. After the war was won and the Primordial Lords began their hibernation they scattered to different corners of the planet. The last any mortal of Elturia has seen of these creatures was before the founding of Aldhon, when the last dragon was seen leaving the region heading into the Expanse.


If not for the many dragonkin that were also created within the Elefae pact, the creatures would have faded into myth. However, though rare, many of the dragonkin still reside within Elturia. The following creatures are considered to have dragon blood but are not true dragons:
  • Drekborn
  • Kobolds
  • Faerie Dragons
  • Pseudodragons
  • Wyverns


    Cover image: Eruption at Cotopaxi by Frederic Church
    This article has no secrets.


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