Legends of elohey Aquitaine Great Fair of 578

Aquitaine Great Fair of 578

Cultural event


This year, an entire KaraKorum Orc tribe showed up one morning while the Fairgrounds were being set up north of Aquitaine's walls. In such a case, some sort of political negotiation will be happening between the leaders of that tribe and the heads of supposedly more "civilized" nations. Treaties will cover undisturbed travel rights across the nearby areas of the Warden Road, trade relations among smaller bands and the closest Freecities League town associated with Aquitaine, established caravans to be recognized as friendly parties, and systems for settling local disputes.


This sort of political negotiation has happened every several Great Fairs since long before the Iron Throne was vacated. "International Politics" is all very important, yes of course, but the Great Fair negotiations are about practical matters.

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