
Hawk, companion of Zhang Sephia     True Neutral hawk   Strength: 6 (-2) Dexterity: 17 (+3) Constitution: 11 Intelligence: 2 (-4) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 7 (-2)   Acrobatics: +3 Appraise: -4 Bluff: -2 Climb: +3 Diplomacy: -2 Disable Device: +1 Disguise: -2 Escape Artist: +3 Fly: +11 Handle Animal: -2 Heal: +2 Intimidate: -1 Linguistics: -4 Perception: +14 Ride: +3 Sense Motive: +2 Sleight of Hand: +3 Spellcraft: -4 Stealth: +15 Survival: +2 Swim: +3 Use Magic Device: -2     Hit Points: 28 HP Hit Dice: 4d8   Initiative: +3   Attack Bonus: +5   (melee: +3)   (ranged: +8)     Fortitude Save: 4   Reflex Save: 7   Will Save: +3   Armor Class: 15   (touch: 15)   (flat-footed: 12)   CMB: +4   CMD: 12   (flat-footed: 9)   Feats & Traits: Armor Proficiency (Light), Weapon Finesse     Special Abilities: Low-Light Vision, Attack Any Target [Trick], Defend [Trick], Fighting [Trick], Guard [Trick]   Talon x2 (Hawk) (8/8, 1d4-2 damage, crit ×2)     XP: 13,040

Cover image: by CB Ash


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