Nasrin desert Geographic Location in Legends of Elohey | World Anvil

Nasrin desert

"The Nasrin desert is hard on your feet. If it's not rocks between the toes, it's a lot of walking through sand. Gets rid of callouses, though. The sand makes a nice red ink, too. There's a spot near Morayat with a rock that's been shaped by Tomaz the Wanderer, perfect for a weary traveler. And sitting upon it at sunset...The sand glitters like gemstones, and the green of the jungle canopy is lit from behind. I've never seen anything so beautiful." - Dee Brightmoon, in More to See than the Sea

The Nasrin desert stretches across the breadth of A'qadia with rolling sands broken by rocky outcroppings or lush oasis. In the middle of this harsh environment lies the wide stretch of land thick with mesas and a lush savanna known as Morayat.


The Nasrin is a mixture of terrain. Most of it consists of rolling sand dunes of copper-red that are at times striped by yellow or orange sands. The latter of which glitter like multi-colored hot coals in the late twilight or early morning hours of a day.

Alternative Name(s)
Desert of a thousands flames
Location under

Cover image: by CB Ash


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