Sĕnibe Profession in Elivera: The Lost Ones | World Anvil
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All cities within Elivera require technology to keep the toxins of the environment from encroaching on the realm of humanity. This technology requires constant maintenance and the keepers of this maintenance are the Sĕnibe. Most if not all have the Ability of Tijantinetori or Tokuntinetori.   Training begins at age ten, after Piteakin and part of the Teakin education phases. All trainees may still attend Teakin and Siteakin, but much of their learning is within the apprenticeship to other Sĕnibe. They shadow the Sĕnibe and learn the intricate maintenance rituals and repair techniques. All aspects of how the technology works, how to upgrade it with new tech when the time comes, and how to keep it running to ensure humanity's fragile hold on life is upheld. There is an almost religious fervor to the Sĕnibe who work the life-giving technology that ensures humanity's survival. Great pressure falls on their shoulders, as any mistakes could spell death for hundreds if not thousands.   In some regions of Elivera, this environmental technology is not as essential to survival. Purification of water technology is emphasized more than the toxin-clearing oxygen filters and soil cleansers. All environment tech has purification of water built into it, but some regions of Elivera require more emphasis due to the severe toxicity of the rivers and lakes. Much of the flora and fauna on Elivera evolved in different pathways than humanity's homeworld, and thus require different sets of nutrients. This stew of minerals are not always healthy to humanity's needs and survival, so require purification and cleaning in order to filter out the more toxic chemicals.   The original technology was derived from Dragios technology and was rebuilt for human needs.



Qualifications require:
  • Tijantinetori or Tokuntinetori Abilities.
  • Desire to protect life and uphold the covenant of humanity with the planet.
  • Curiosity to learn and grow with new knowledge.
  • Able to pledge and uphold the sacred oath of do no harm and maintain tech for the betterment of humanity.
  • High dexterity and good fine motor skills.
  • Perceptive senses.



An assortment of adjustment tools to remove cover sections, replace parts, and adjust the finer-tuned Nanine tech that was housed in the center of the machinery at the base of all cities. These tools ranged in size from the length of a forearm to a tiny nanine controlled through Ability.


The machinery is housed either underground or undercity (the lower levels of the Raliok tree cities). Pathways are caved through the ground and reinforced with steel and stone. For undercity areas, the pathways were grown lattice and guiding rails that crisscrossed the area of the undercity. Masks were worn for protection as well as gloves and thick soled boots. The jumpsuit was tailored to fit the body of the person and provide a layer of protection against the heat or the cold as well as any possible fallen debris. A shield lattice was woven into the belts that activated upon falling from a height or the crack of a cave-in; this usually saved the person's life but even shields could fail if the height was too great or the cave-in too thick.
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