The Torquoise Company Organization in Elendor | World Anvil
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The Torquoise Company

A group of Adventurers from around the globe, the group has several high tier escapades to there names. The Torquoise company, at the beginning was a simple situation of them being in the right place at the right time.
Uystina, Arwan, Isaac and Rivalon meet on a boat trip from the continent of Longreech to Solorum. Uystina, a traveling mercenary from a mercenary family of bodyguards and sellswords was hired by Arwan to protect him during his travels. Arwan, a traveling minstrel and self proclaimed ladies man was writing a book about his own adventures. Rivalon, a very quiet man never really spoke. But his few words where enough to leave a mark on any that heard them. Isaac a man of the Paylorian Cloth, a inquisitor sent out to find relics of the faith and return them to the churches.   They Met the fifth member of their company Le'Seshl El'Hab Vas'Sai Sha'Shi when they arrived in Saguntum after they found her and her unit of town guard under attack while trying to protect a traders caravan from a group of brigands. The group sprung to action and with the five of them they saved the traders caravan and with some effort.   The Caravan head pays the group a fairly handsome sum for their actions, saying that "No Good Dead should good unrewarded. Even if its just gold" The group find themselves surprised to learn that the mountainous dragonborn lady decides to ask if they have an opening in their company. She signs the paperwork, bids fairwell to her charge and takes her place with the rest of the company.

Public Agenda

The Agenda of the Company was always; Do the right thing and make money while doing that.


The Torquoise company


The Company owns a few small patches of land around the world. Most of them are very much unnoteworthy, however their is one place that is of note The Torquoise Castle

"Battle Forms Bonds"

1403 - 1409

Power Structure
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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