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What's better than being a mage, and doing incredible things? Being an artificer, and making something that can do those same incredible things itself
The first artificer was named Esteven Konnikos, and he laid the groundwork for artificers as we know them today.


Although it began as nothing more as an experiment created by a clockmaker on a whim, Artificery is now used to create wonders beyond comprehension, from doors that open themselves to cannons capable of wiping out citadels. It is used by nations of all colours, and has been used to do outstanding good and commit unforgivable atrocities.
Estevan Konnikos
Access & Availability
Artificery is a niche role, with low demand. Nevertheless, it is possible to learn for any capable mage, provided they know where to look, and if work is found, the pay is excellent. The basics of artificery are easy to discover, although many artificery guilds keep their trade secrets well guarded, and industrial espionage is common.
The craft is a complex one, with knowledge required of both engineering and enchantment. It is also expensive, requiring large amounts of copper and rare materials such as Kesselium. Every action performed by a manaforged item has to be held in the head of the creator in immense detail.
Estevan Konnikos was an Eserisian clockmaker born in Revellin, with a hidden interest in magic. Over time, he managed to combine the principles, using a constant stream of magical energy to power a watch. This was the first act of artificery.

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Jul 3, 2019 22:00 by Tris (necromancertris)

Sounds interesting! I love seeing magic being mixed with technology. Maybe, after SC is over, you could expand this article some more and go into details about the wonders and inventions and all the gadgets artificers can make? I'm curious to see which direction you'll go with this!

Jul 4, 2019 10:09

Cheers! If you're interested, I have artificers as a profession as well (used more to describe the scientific principles involved). I wanted to use this to describe the history. You can check it out here: Artificer (again, fairly small article. I need to work on it)