Wolgar Species in Elema | World Anvil


Wolgar are huge, aggressive felines. If you find one in the wild, there are at least two more you don't aware of Unlike your average house cat, they are very much pack creatures. They do have certain traces that represent canine characteristics. However, we believe they are felines for the most part. Wolgar is a fearsome and revered feline. 

by Marc Zipper (Valcin)

Basic Information


Wolgard vehicle is a quadrupedal creature with a long fluffy tail. their body is covered all of its body in short hair and stripes. They have a long mane that runs down the top of their back. Two pointed ears and two eyes with pupils slits. They also have 3 big canines that protrude from the corners of their mouth on each side. They have a long, rough tongue as well.

Biological Traits

  • They have claws that stretch halfway out and are able to extend another couple of inches, making them ideal for digging and injuring prey.
  • Was there a strong canine that could puncturea good set of metal armor and robust skin? There's even speculation that they could pierce a young dragon scale.
  • Every time they put their paws down, their pads sent forth a magical energy that is attuned to sound waves and cancels them out. A Wolger almost always wanders in quiet. This does not prevent their entire body from brushing up against one other and producing noises, only their paws.

Genetics and Reproduction

As the Young Wolger ventures forth into the world in search of a new pack to join. They also recognize that the pack will become their companions as well. A package often contains six to eight of them at a time. They have a loveling relationship with one another. When any of the females is in heat, the men of the pack will share, her as try to have new offspring. They have a small litter of two to four Cubs. With a small littler it would be easy to protect the family. however the female Wolger will go into heat around the same time after a short time with the Pack. As a result, they tend to have a high number of cubs, making it more difficult to defend them from their natural predators.

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer to reside in the Northern woodlands and meadows of Raygon. The cooler weather out here suits them better. There are those who live in the mountains, but you won't find as many as you would in the thick forest.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are categorized as omnivores, although their primary diet consists of living organisms. Spring deer and Repbulls are their favorite prey to hunt. They do hunt down people and consume them. So be cautious if you're out in the woods by yourself. If you appear to be a simple meal, you could just become one.


To most outsiders, they appear hostile and on guard. Other Wolgers outside of the pack fifind them to be kind and welcoming. They are now incredibly protective of their pack and will defend them no matter what the threat is. They are devoted to their families.

Additional Information


Only a few people have successfully domesticated a pack of Wolger. The Oxford royal dynasty is the most well-known. The legend of King Bartholomew Fatal encounter. He was out hunting as a young lad when he came across a small cub attempting to attack a blitz hog. The young king was happy to see just a cool-looking cat and decided to assist him. By weakening the blitz hog by shooting an arrow into his hind leg. The blitz hog was attacked and killed by the Young Wolger. As a young king attempted to flee. Young Wolger brought him a slice of the blitz hog. For the next few months, whenever the young king went hunting, Wolger would meet up with him and they would hunt together. The Wolger eventually decided he didn't want to leave him and began following him home. When he returned home that day, he named him Thomas. He and Thomas enjoyed hunting, but as they get older, younger Wolger start to locate them and join their pack. This is how the first Wolger pack was formed, and the King chose to change his house crest to add the Wolger to it. They become the symbols of the King.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They track and find their prey using their excellent sense of smell. In addition, It can use their extremely good hearing to help pinpoint the location of the pray. Furthermore, their eyes are very adaptable to low-light conditions as strong as Elf.
Scientific Name
13 to 16 years
Average Height
2.6 to 3 ft.
Average Weight
Male 266 to 480 Female 251 to 420
Average Length
they are between 6.3FT to 8.1Ft
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
mid to light Brown body fur with dark green strips. and Sand color mane. THeir eyes can be green to yellow some rare white

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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