Una Aqua Pearl Necklace Item in Elema | World Anvil

Una Aqua Pearl Necklace

Una Aqua Pearl Necklace is a blessed artifact given to the cleric Selena Pie. To help stop a Kraken attack on a ship full of people trying to move lands to a new home.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

While wearing a necklace you get the abilities listed
  • Walk on water
  • Water Breathing
  • it gives you a swim speed of 60
  • Water is magic and supernatural ability immunity
If you remove one of the horns, you will be transformed into Una Peral Wheal for 10 minutes. To reclaim the charges on the horns, you must immerse the necklace in water for two weeks.


A group of 300 people that went out to locate a new home were out in the middle of the ocean on a ship. A vision was provided to several people, particularly a good set of religious leaders of Mizu, That showed them to cross the sea to start a new.

In the middle of their journey when there was a calm sea the the boat began to shake. the shaking became rough as if it was in the middle of a storm. When they looked down, they witnessed a massive beast emerging from beneath the water. Huge tentacles begin to slither up the boat. Someone yells, "It's the Kraken!" People strike defensive positions and attempt to knock the tentacles off. This did not go down well, as they were either crushed or thrown overboard.

Selena Pie was merely a cleric at the time who kneeled down and prayed earnestly to the goddess Mizu. She prayed to her goddess to grant her the strength she needs to save the people and keep them from returning to Taurus for a while longer. She sensed a presence approach her from behind and in a calm voice, like the sea air,  she heard, "Here, my child, this is what we'll give you to get through this storm." As soon as she felt damp hands, wrapped a three-strap Pearl necklace with a large dark blue pendant around her neck. Inside the pendant, there were cyan droplets on the top and bottom, as well as another sky-blue diamond.

Selena felt the power of the necklace rush into her body as soon as the neckless was linked. She stood up and dashed to the ship's edge. Quickly jumped into the sea in front of the Kraken. She was able to swim quickly and breathe underwater. As she moved she used her most potent spells, on the Kraken. The only thing it did was get her noticed by Kraken and it use a tentacle to seize her. As it gradually drew her into its mouth. The voice  spoke again, "Yank one of the horns off." When she glanced at the pendant, she noticed three horns dangling from it. She manages to free one of her hands as she approaches its mouth and she rips one off.

Selena transformed into Una Pear Wheal. A mythological creature exclusively mentioned in mythology and lore. Kraken noticed she was growing in size. Using additional tentacles to seize her. As they encircle her new body. The wheal-like body has six fins and pearls all around it. The pearls unleashed a bombardment of bubbles from the pearls on her body. Defeating the Kraken's tentacles and releasing her. She uses her newfound speed and agility to flee the Kraken. Then Selena turn and begins to attack with its long horn on her face. She can move in and out of the Kraken's tentacles, causing severe harm to his body. Forcing the Kraken to flee into the depths of the sea.

Selena returns to her human form after a brief while. She made it back to the boat on her own. She was happy that she and the Goddess saved  all of those people They made it to their new home. Selena was promoted to Lady Seer because the Goddess Mizu blessed her.


Is one of the artifacts that the Goddess Mizu has blessed the world with. It is also now used for Lady Seer to have her position.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
It is one of the Divine relics that the church Muzi has. There is only one of it and the high priestess of the church is the one that wears it.
5 LB
Base Price

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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