The Mistral War Military Conflict in Elema | World Anvil

The Mistral War

The Conflict


It was the discovery of the mountain the elves were checking out the mountains and evidently, the doors have built away to the mountains. when they both found Mistral a lighter type of male the strongest Steel eventually ran into each other Furr's having a scrimmage then trying to work out an agreement working together in the dividing out the raw material. Which worked for a short. Of time until the dwarves realize that they were retrieving more of the or the elves because they were more efficient and used to working in these conditions while those were not so they decided that they deserve more of the raw material but the elf wasn't going to fly with that so, in the end in started a skirmish. Which turn into a territorial war between the drawers and the elves


the battlefield inside the mountains called thick dark events going multiple ways other unknown areas at the elves did not know about doors have the advantage. also being cold and damp something else deal with but not totally used to

The Engagement

The battle that took place was mostly held in the mines because the doors just took dominion over because they can see if work was in the mines better but they had a hard time dealing with the Ellis was star magic and variety of spells that they have created throughout the years so it was a standoff but the dwarfs maintained Occupy in the area but they could not get too much work done because the else did keep up a decent brats and seem to have less need for sleep. When on the 13th month one of the leaders decided to end this brought one-third of the army with him but the doors were heard of the coming and let him deep into the caverns where they had the advantage and surprise attack when everything looks lost the elf prayed to anything or anyone that would hear him give them the advantage because the dwarfs have caught on to taking out Magical Lights in sources of light so they were blind and they were deep in the cave with no way out. something answer said only one thang here your power. all of a sudden start seeing in the dark and they didn't feel as cold as it was. and it seemed like the fire sells were more lethal what's gave on the advantage and took it over the fight and they drove away the dwarfs out of there.


The doors were throwing out of the mountains and they had reclaimed the territory


Elves sign of the agreement with the drawers to keep the mind as long as they don't send those dark Devils Back after them. But they also were separated the people that fought with turn into Dark Elves the and then the other leader took several members and left for the decisions to Two Brothers made And course now they had a large supply of Mistral ore
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Victory Crostric Elf

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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