Taking 10/20 in Elema | World Anvil

Taking 10/20

Taking your time is the average of what your character is capable off. It takes a little fire depending on what it is it can take around 5 minutes to 30 minutes. So you'll say you'll take that and it will be 10 plus your rank in the skill check you using.
Tip for DM you can us their 10 + rank of skill for a passive skill.

Taking 20+ rank where you employ one of two different styles to get through the challenge. They both take a decent amount of time. The first one is where you will try and try and try again until it works this takes a lot more time and also could possibly cause a bad outcome. The other is where you come prepared and takes less time than the first one but you have to have the tools or a good story to do this. It takes time but it will succeed most likely

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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